Appendix c: references – Rane MPE MIDI Programmable Equalizer User Manual

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Rane MPE Users Guide

Real World Example
Let’s put this into MIDI studio language. Suppose

we use the ramp as an effect to cross fade into a new
section of a song. We want the fade to end on a
given beat. For this example the tempo is 120bpm
(beats per minute). Therefore one beat of 4/4 will be
1/2 second (500ms). The sequencer resolves into
bar:beat:ticks with 120 ticks per beat (4.2ms be-
tween ticks).

We determined that EQ changes take 3ms to

200ms, depending on the details given above. At
4.2ms per tick this translates to approximately 1 to
50 ticks. Therefore the crossfade (program change to
the MPE) should begin 1 to 50 sequencer ticks
before the “hit”.

Appendix C: References

The following references provide further informa-

tion on interpolating constant-Q equalizers and

1. D. Bohn, “Constant-Q Graphic Equalizers,” J.

Audio Eng. Soc. , vol. 34, pp. 611-626 (Sept. 1986).

2. Terry Pennington, The Rane GE 30 Interpolat-

ing Constant-Q Equalizer, Rane Note 117 (Rane
Corp., 1987).

3. MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification (International

MIDI Association, Los Angeles, 1988).

4. Craig Anderton, MIDI For Musicians (Amsco

Publications, New York, 1986).

5. Jeff Rona, MIDI, the Ins, Outs & Thrus (Hal

Leonard Books, Milwaukee, 1987).

6. Bob Moog, “MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital

Interface,” J. Audio Eng. Soc ., vol. 34, pp. 394-404
(May 1986).

7. Bob Moses, Steve Turnidge, Much Ado About

MIDI, Rane Note 120 (Rane Corp.,1989).

8. Ray Miller, Bob Moses, MPE’s Adopted By

Wolves, Rane Note 125 (Rane Corp.,1990).