Installing ura, Standalone application, Source and executable from mercuryapi sdk – ThingMagic Universal Reader Assistant 2.6 User Manual
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Installing URA
Universal Reader Assistant v2.6 User Guide
Installing URA
The Universal Reader Assistant application is available in two different packages:
Standalone Application
URA is available as a standalone application, installed using a Windows installer. Follow
these steps to download and install URA:
Use a web browser to navigate to
Find the Universal Reader Assistant link under MercuryAPI | Software and click
on it. This will begin download URABonjourSetup32.exe (for 32-bit Windows
platforms, please contact ThingMagic support for 64-bit Windows)
Once downloaded, double-click on URABonjourSetup32.exe and follow the
installation instructions.
Once complete there will be an entry in the Windows Start menu for ThingMagic
| UniversalReaderAssistant
The standalone version maybe newer than the version included in the SDK.
The URABonjourSetup32.exe will also install
Apple Bonjour mDNS Discovery Service
Source and Executable from MercuryAPI SDK
In addition to being available as a standalone application URA, along with all of its source
code, is part of the MercuryAPI SDK. URA can be accessed via the SDK as follows:
Use a web browser to navigate to
Find the MercuryAPI SDK link under MercuryAPI | Software and click on it. This
will begin download SDK Zip package.
Once downloaded, double-click on the zip file to extract its contents.
Once the contents have been extracted the URA Visual Studio project can be found in:
and the pre-built executable, along with the installer can be found in: