Tjernlund SS1R SideShot (Discontinued) with UC1 Universal Control (Version X.04) 8504117 Rev 02/04 User Manual

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The following steps should be followed in making the safety inspection:

1. Visually inspect the venting system and determine there is no blockage or restriction, leakage, corrosion or other deficiencies

which could cause an unsafe condition.

2. Inspect burner and primary control for proper operation.

3. Inspect heat exchanger for cracks, openings or excessive corrosion. Check both the limit control and fan control for proper




LED #1 (Amber) Appliance call for heat.
LED #2 (Green) Safety circuit through P1 & P2 (SS1-R Limit & Fan Prover) is verified “Open” upon start-up. Indicates Venter

prover is closed during run cycle. Solenoid valve is energized with contact closure from terminal 3 to 4.

LED #3 (Green) Power switched to SS1-R motor & burner motor from L to MTR & M.
LED #4 (Red)

Status / Fault indicator.

LED #5 (Red)

115 VAC power supplied to board. Also used as a status indicator.

LED #4 & #5 (Red) Flashing Alternately

= Venter in Pre-purge. (Pre-Purge options 0, 5, 20, 35 seconds)

LED #4 & #5 (Red) Flashing in Unison

= Venter in Post-Purge. (Post-Purge options 0, 30 seconds or 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 minutes)

LED #4 Flashing Continuously*

= Fan Prover opened for more than 10 seconds during burner cycle.

(Venter will run for 10 minutes, attempting to make Fan Prover)

Fault conditions are indicated by counting the number of times LED #4 (Red) flashes.
LED #4 Flashes 2 Times

Fan Prover was in electrically closed position prior to venter operation.

LED #4 Flashes 3 Times*

Fan Prover does not close within 60 seconds after call for heat.

LED #4 Flashes 4 Times*

Fan Prover did not re-close after 10 minutes of Venter operation.

LED #4 Flashes 5 Times*

Fan Prover opened for more than 10 seconds during burner cycle but closed within 10 minutes.

* Investigate causes of Fan Prover not making, i.e; Firing burner at capacities or temperatures exceeding Venter limits, excessive

vent pipe runs, high winds, plugged / kinked Fan Prover sensing tube or a faulty Fan Prover. Reset SS1-R High Limit. If Limit
was tripped and SS1-R fires, investigate cause of high heat.

tripped and SS1-R fires, investigate cause of high heat.

Prior to accessing the fault code memory, note the settings of the dip switches so that they can be returned to their
original Pre / Post-Purge positions. When power is supplied to the UC1 use caution when moving dip switches.
The last fault code can be retrieved at any time by setting all dip switches 1-8 to the up, or “on” position. The last fault code, or
lack there of, will be indicated by counting the number of times LED #4 flashes. By moving any of the dip switches back to their
original position, the fault code will be cleared. NOTE: The UC1 board must have its 115 VAC power supply present when any of
the (1-8) dip switches are moved back to their original position for the fault code to clear.

IMPORTANT: Fault codes will automatically be displayed after a fault condition occurs. If the call for heat interlock signal
or 115 VAC power is removed, the UC1 board will reset and the fault will be stored in memory instead of displayed. Any
new fault will replace any previous fault.