0 maintenance, 1 weekly, 2 yearly – Rice Lake TradeRoute HL Series - Operation Manual (Legal-for-Trade) User Manual

Page 26: 1 weekly 4.2 yearly

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TradeRoute Operator’s Manual

4.0 Maintenance

4.1 Weekly

• Check entire scale for buildup of debris. If any debris is found under the scale

frame or around the load cells, remove it immediately.

• Visually check all external cables and conduit for damage. Check and ensure

the load cell cables are free to move with the load cell.

• Check hydraulic cylinders and lines for leakage and ensure they will not pre-

vent the scale from moving freely. If a cylinder or hose is leaking, replace it as

soon as possible. A leaking cylinder may cause the scale to settle and give

inaccurate readings during a transaction.

• Raise and lower the scale to ensure the up/down alarm is working properly.
• Check the lockdown bolt adjustment.

The lockdown bolts should be adjusted so that the hydraulic cylinders are
extended a minimum of 1/8" to maximum of 1/4" when the system is locked
down. The load cells should also be loose in the lockdown position.
To adjust the lockdowns, loosen the jam nut on the lockdown bolt. With the
jam nut loose adjust the lockdown bolts so that the cylinders are extended
between 1/8" and 1/4". Check the load cell and ensure it is loose. If you are
unable to achieve an adjustment where the cylinder is slightly extended and the
load cell is loose, contact your scale dealer.

Figure 4-1 Adjust Lockdowns

4.2 Yearly

• Do all required weekly services checking all components of the system.
• Park system on a slope (such as a steep approach), greater than seven degrees

and raise the scale. Turn on the indicator and check to see if it shuts off in 10

seconds. If the indicator does not shut off, it may have a faulty tilt sensor. Con-

sult a local scale dealer. This test must be done in all four directions: front low,

rear low, right side low, and left side low.

• Disassemble each load cell location. Check all bushings for excessive wear

and replace if necessary. Grease the ends of the upper load cell pin and lower

eyebolt when reassembling.

Lockdown Sleeve

Lockdown Bolt
and Jam Nut