4 firmware update procedure – Rice Lake MSI-8000 RF Remote Display User Manual

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Operator’s Manual

6.4 Firmware Update Procedure

Updating firmware in the MSI-8000 requires the following: a DCE serial cable (MSI

503489-0001, or build per DCE cable schematic on page 28), a PC with a terminal

program (“Teraterm Pro” recommended), and if the PC does not have standard RS-232

serial ports, then a USB to serial converter. Make sure the driver for the USB converter is

properly installed, and that the Terminal program is set up for the proper comm port.
The latest firmware code is available from the MSI Service Department and can be

emailed on request. Your firmware version is displayed when the MSI-8000 is turned on in

form “01-04” (your version will vary). MSI-8000 firmware updates do not require a

recalibration of the connected scale. Consult the version release notes for information

regarding the updated code.

1. Setup the terminal serial port to 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit, 9600 BAUD, XON/

XOFF (flow control).

2. Connect to the Dyna-Link serial port using the DCE cable. Connect the D9

connector to your PC or USB adapter.

3. (Optional) Test that you have a connection by typing {00FF01?}. If the connection is

good the MSI-8000 will respond with {000001r2;0;01E02;2011-07-08;11:05} or

something similar.

4. On the terminal keyboard, type {ffff09=0199}
5. Change the terminal serial port to 38400 BAUD. Hit the ‘r’ key to refresh the

display. The following menu should appear


SCALECORE2 BOOT LOADER Ver. 00-05 (c) 2012-05-02 10:55

(u) Download and program application code

(your bootloader version may vary)

(q) query app code info

(g) execute app code

(r) refresh

Your bootloader version may vary

6. Type


Terminal should display:

Send File NOW, or press ^ to abort:

7. Send the .prg file using the file send feature of your terminal program. The character

“#” will tick away as the ScaleCore programs.

Send File NOW, or press ^to abort:#####################################
