6 routing the power cable, 7 connecting the cables, 8 final step – Rice Lake Combination System - Precision Loads PL9700 Indicator User Manual

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PL9700 Installation Manual

3. Check the load cell and cable connectors to be

s u r e t h e y a r e f r e e o f d i r t , g r e a s e , a n d

4. Plug the cables into the load cells and tighten

the connectors until resistance is felt. Tighten
the connectors an additional 1/4 turn using
only your fingers; pliers are not necessary.
The additional tightening will seat the
weather-proofing O-ring that is inside the
cable connectors.

5. Route the truck (channel 1) cable from the

transmitter to the indicator. Wherever the
cable passes through a body panel, such as
f l o o r, t o e - b o a r d , o r f i r e w a l l , p r o v i d e
protection for the cable to prevent chafing. At
the indicator, put a tag on the cable to identify
it as channel 1.

6. Next, route the cable from the trailer (channel

2) transmitter to the front of the trailer and
locate a place for the trailer half of the cable
connector. Install the cable on the connector
and fasten the connector to the trailer.

7. Install the other half of the connector on the

forward portion of the cable and route the
cable into the cab for connection to the
indicator. Observe the same precautions as in
step 5, above. Identify the cable as channel 2.

8. Secure the cables in the cab, next to the

indicator, and cut them to the proper length
for connection to the indicator. Be sure and
maintain the channel identification.


Routing the Power Cable

The power cable must be connected
directly to the batteries. DO NOT
connect to an accessory terminal on

the ignition switch, fuse panel, or behind the dash.
The indicator must have a “clean” source of 12 volts.

1. Route the power cable from the batteries to

the indicator.

DO NOT connect to the batteries yet.

2. Observe the previous precautions about

protecting the cable from undo chafing and


Connecting the Cables

1. Carefully cut back 1 inch of the outer

insulation on the indicator end of each cable.
Do not cut into the white or black insulation
of the sign al wires or the red o r black
insulation of the power cable.

2. Strip off 1/4 inch of the individual wire


3. Install the wires into the green indicator

connector and snugly tighten each terminal.
See Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. Cable Connections

Figure 7-2. indicator Connections

4. Review all of your installations and cable

routings, looking for unnecessary loops, tight
bends or kinks in the cables, properly inserted
connectors, and connection of the trailer

5. Connect the battery end of the power cable to

the batteries. Use an inline fuse holder with a
3-amp slow-blow fuse. Put the fuse holder
and fuse in the red wire and next to the
positive battery terminal.

6. Make sure you are connecting to 12 volts and

not 24 volts.


Final Step

1. Position the indicator plug for insertion into

the back of the indicator. Insure that the
screws for the connector terminals are visible
on the top side. That will position the red
battery wire next to the edge of the indicator
case. Verify by looking at the label on the
back of the indicator.

2. Insert the connector into the indicator by

gently pushing straight in.

3. At the front of the indicator, press the


key in the lower right hand corner of the
indicator front panel. The information display,
above the softkeys, will first show POWER
ON and then show the indicator model and
the software version. During this time, the
indicator is also performing an internal
self-test which includes briefly lighting all of
t h e s m a l l r e d i n d i c a t o r l i g h t s . I f t h e
i n f o r m a t i o n d i s p l a y s h o w s a n y e r r o r
messages, see “Troubleshooting” on page 9.

W arning

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