Gastroback 42526 Design Multicook Plus User Manual

Page 33

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possible cause

solution of the problem

The cooking

temperature is not

high enough

You forgot to close the lid

of the appliance or the lid

was not tightly enough

closed, so that the cooking

temperature was not able

to develop high enough.

• Do not open unnecessary the lid of the ap-

pliance during cooking.

• Close the lid until it clicks into place. Make

sure that nothing interferes with the closing of

the lid and the sealing ring on the inside of

the lid is not deformed.

The cooking bowl and the

heating element had poor

contact, so that the coo-

king temperature could

not be high enough.

• The inner pot has to be horizontally inser-

ted into the housing and to fit snugly on the

heating element.

• Make sure that there are no foreign objects

in the interior of the appliance. Check if the

heating element is clean.

The dishes do not

turn out well.

The selection of ingre-

dients, the way they were

cut and prepared, the

program selection and

the cooking time must

correspond to the selected


• The ingredients are not suitable for the se-

lected program.

• The ingredients are cut too large, or the ge-

neral amount of ingredients was not observed.

• You have set a wrong cooking time.

• The selected recipe is not suitable for the

preparation with this appliance.

- when steaming: There is too little water in

the inner pot to ensure a

sufficient vapour density.

Pour necessarily the recommended amount of

water in the recipe into the inner pot. When

in doubt, check the water level during the

cooking process.

- when frying and


You have filled too much

oil into the inner pot.

• Usually it is sufficient for frying to wet the

bottom of the inner pot with a thin coat of oil.

• Do not close the lid while frying, unless it is

so specified in the recipe.

• When frying, follow the instructions of your


• Excess water is in the inner pot.

• Necessarily defrost frozen foods before

cooking and drain the water.

- when cooking:

e. g. broth boils

over during coo-

king process

The correct amounts of in-

gredients have not been


Follow the instructions and amounts as de-

scribed in your recipe. Make sure that all in-

gredients, are below the maximum mark (10

Cup) on the inner surface of the inner pot.

- when baking:

e. g. the dough is

not cooked well


During the baking pro-

cess, a portion of the dou-

gh has stuck to the inside

of the lid and was blo-

cking the steam vent.

There is too much dough in the inner pot. Ad-

here to the recipes for this appliance.