Installing the kdvr3 board – Elecraft KDVR3 User Manual
Page 9
With the three screws removed, the main DSP board is held on to the front panel board by two multi-pin
connectors. Slip your finger tips between the boards and pull the main DSP board away from the front panel
board to unplug it.
A large, thick spacer washer should be lying on
the front panel near the hole for the phones jack
(see Figure 9). This spacer fits between the phones
jack and the back of the front panel board to
provide a solid mechanical ground connection when
the boards are in place. Remove the washer and set
it aside. If it’s lying on the inside of the front panel
you can tip the panel so it will slide out at the end.
Figure 9. Phones Jack Washer
Installing the KDVR3 Board
Install the KDVR 3 board on the main DSP board as shown in Figure 10. Be sure you use the nylon screw.
A metal screw here may short to the front panel board after reassembly. Do not over tighten the nylon screw. It
is easy to strip the threads. Look at the split in the lock washer and tighten the screw only until the washer is
compressed flat.
Figure 10. Installing the KDVR3 Board on the Main DSP Board.