Elecraft KIO2 User Manual
Page 6

Annunciator data: This field is a single byte whose value is between 0x80 and 0xFF. Bit 7 is always 1. The other
7 bits indicate the on/off states of the 8 annunciators. Only 7 bits are needed because the VFO A state is always the
opposite of VFO B state. The bits are defined as follows:
B7: Always 1
B3: 1=ATT on
B6: 1=NB on
B2: 0=VFO A selected, 1=VFO B selected
B5: 1=ANT2 selected
B1: 1=RIT on
B4: 1=PREAMP on
B0: 1=XIT on
Annunciator flash data: This field is a single byte whose value is between 0x80 and 0xFF. Bit 7 is always 1. The
other 7 bits indicate the flash/non-flashed states of the 8 annunciators, providing useful status information (such as
whether the transceiver is operating in SPLIT mode). The bits are defined as follows:
B7: Always 1
B3: 1=ATT flashing (not used)
B6: 1=NB flashing (LO THR)
B2: 1=active VFO flashing (SPLIT mode)
B5: 1=ANT2 flashing (not used)
B1: 1=RIT flashing (RIT/XIT range > minimum)
B4: 1=PRE flashing (not used)
B0: 1=XIT flashing (RIT/XIT range > minimum)
FA and FB (VFO A/B Frequency; GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: FAxxxxxxxxxxx; or FBxxxxxxxxxxx; where xxxxxxxxxxx is the frequency in Hz. Example:
FA00014060000; sets VFO A to 14060 kHz. The first two digits (00-99 GHz) and the last digit (0-9 Hz) are
ignored. If the specified frequency is in a different amateur band than the present one, the K2 will change to the
new band, and will automatically report the new values of parameters that may have changed
. If the specified
frequency is over 30 MHz and is within a valid transverter band (as specified by the operator using the K2's
T R N 1 - 3 menu entries), the K2 will switch to that transverter band. If the specified frequency is one that the K2
VFO cannot be tuned to
, the K2 will switch to the amateur band closest to the requested one, and the last-used
VFO A and VFO B values for that band will be retrieved.
FR (RX VFO Assignment and SPLIT Cancel; GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: FRn; where n specifies the receive/transmit VFO: 0 for VFO A and 1 for VFO B.
Sending an FR SET command always cancels SPLIT mode.
FT (TX VFO Assignment and optional SPLIT Enable; GET/SET)
SET/RSP format: FTn; where n specifies the transmit-mode VFO assignment: 0 for VFO A, 1 for VFO B.
If the transmit VFO is not the same as the receive VFO, the K2 will by definition be in SPLIT mode.
FW (Filter Bandwidth and Number; GET/SET)
Basic SET format
: FWxxxx; where xxxx is 0-9999 but is ignored. The next available crystal filter is selected.
Basic RSP format: FWxxxx; where xxxx is the approximate bandwidth in Hz if the mode is CW. If the mode is
SSB or RTTY, xxxx is 0000 ("narrow") when the CW filter is selected, and 2500 ("wide") if OP1 is selected.
Extended SET format: FWxxxxn; where xxxx is ignored, and n is 1-4 for selecting FL1-FL4.
Extended RSP format: FWxxxxnm; where xxxx is the bandwidth in Hz, n is the filter number, and m is the
audio filter mode (0-2). Example: a response of FW040031; indicates a 400-Hz bandwidth crystal filter, filter FL3;
and an audio filter mode of 1 (AF1). The range of KAF2 modes is 0-2, where 0 is OFF (2.5 kHz LPF only), 1 is
AF1 (first stage of CW band-pass filter) and 2 is AF2 (second stage of CW band-pass filter).
Note: the audio filter mode can only be changed by using the
switch or the equivalent SW switch emulation
The parameters sent on band change include IF (includes new mode), FA, FB, FR, FT, PA, RA, AN, GT, FW, and NB.
That is, a frequency at which the VCO would lose lock on a typical K2.
The K2's limited support for the basic FW command is provided only for compatibility with existing application software.
New or modified software should use the extended version of the command.