Elecraft KAF2 User Manual
Page 4
Some components will be installed on the bottom of the board. These components must be
seated down onto the board as far as they'll go. In the case of capacitors with formed leads, there is
no need to re-form the leads. A small amount of lead length can remain exposed.
Install the two .01-µF capacitors with 0.1" (2.5 mm) lead spacing:
__C11 (top side of the board), __C14 (bottom side).
Trim the leads of C14 as short as possible, using flush-cutters if available. If the leads are not kept
very short, they may interfere with installation of U1 on the top side of the board.
Locate the two .022-µF capacitors, labeled "223". Also locate the four 0.22-µF capacitors ("224").
Make sure you can tell the two types apart, and separate them into two groups.
Install the four 0.22-µF capacitors ("224") on the top side of the board:
__C12, __C13, __C17, __C18.
On the bottom side of the board, install the 470-pF capacitors ("471"):
__C9, __C15, __C16.
Trim the leads of C15 and C16 as short as possible, preferably flush with the board.
On the top side, install the .068-µF capacitors ("683"): __C1, __C2.
Install electrolytic capacitor C10 (10 µF). The (+) lead of C10 must be installed in the hole marked
"+". The (+) lead is usually longer than the (-) lead. The (-) lead is identified by a stripe on the body.
Install the following resistors (top side). When installing R9 (10 k), keep the body of the resistor
elevated just slightly above the board so that it doesn’t contact the soldered leads of C16.
__R9, __R10 (10 k, brown-black-orange)
__R15, __R16 (220 ohms, red-red-brown)
__R3 (470 ohms, yellow-violet-brown)
__R5 (100 k, brown-black-yellow)
__R8 (510 k, green-brown-yellow)
Install the following resistors (bottom side). When soldering, be very careful not to touch adjacent
components with the soldering iron.
__R11, __R12, __R17 (220 ohms, red-red-brown)
__R7 (470 ohms, yellow-violet-brown)
__R13 (910 ohms, white-brown-brown)
__R4 (47 k, yellow-violet-orange)
__R6 (180 k, brown-gray-yellow)
__R14 (2.7 k, red-violet-red)
Trim the leads of R14 as short as possible so it won't interfere with the installation of U3.