Op (operate / standby, get and set), Pc (pa drain current, get only), Pd (power dissipation, get only) – Elecraft KXPA100 Programmers Reference User Manual

Page 18: Pf (forward power, get only), Pi (input power, get only)

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^OP (Operate / Standby, GET and SET)

GET format: ^OP;

SET/RESPONSE format: ^OP0; (standby) or ^OP1; (operate)

^OP controls the PA bypass relay K24 on the LPF board. The relay is released to its normally closed
“bypass” setting with ^OP0; (letter O, letter P, digit 0) and is pulled in to the “not bypassed” or
“Operate” setting with ^OP1;

The KXPA100 has no physical switch for operate/standby, and the amplifier starts in “operate” mode
unless a serial command is sent. KXPA100 firmware may change this setting as part of its power-on

The KXPA Utility uses an Operate page “PA Bypass” checkbox for this command. When the “PA Bypass”
check box is selected, relay K24 is in its “bypassed” (^OP0;) setting. When the “PA Bypass” is not
checked, relay K24 is in its “not bypassed” (^OP1;) setting.

Operate/Standby is one of several conditions that must be set appropriately for the amplifier’s T/R
switch to reach Transmit. Other conditions include key line assert, no current fault, ATU not tuning, and
a frequency count that is not between 26 and 28 MHz.

^PC (PA Drain Current, GET only)

GET format: ^PC;

RESPONSE format: ^PCnnnn; where nnnn is the PA Drain Current, in tenths of amperes.

For example, ^PC0125; is 12.5 Amperes.

^PD (Power Dissipation, GET only)

GET format ^PD;

RESPONSE format: ^PDnnnn; where nnnn is the dissipated power, in tenths of a watt. Computed as
supply voltage * PA Drain Current – Forward Power. ^PD1200; is 120.0 watts

^PF (Forward Power, GET only)

GET format: ^PF;

RESPONSE format: ^PFnnnn; where nnnn is the forward power output of the amplifier, in tenths of
watts. For example, ^PF1234; is 123.4 watts.

^PI (Input Power, GET only)

GET format: ^PI;

RESPONSE format: ^PInnnn; where nnnn is the input power to the amplifier, in tenths of watts. For
example, ^PI0054; indicates an input power of 5.4 watts.