EFCO S5600 Outside Glazed User Manual
Page 15
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Series 5600 Outside Glazed Installation Instructions
Section VI: Glazing Preparation
Step #1 Install Thermal Isolator
Remove thermal isolator from reels and allow to relax and shrink.
DO NOT stretch isolator prior to installation.
Install the 90 durometer PVC thermal isolator into position in the screw raceway of
the vertical and horizontal mullions.
Run the vertical isolators continuous and butt together as required.
Run the horizontal isolator to the ends of the horizontal members.
Step #2 Install Joint Plugs
Seal the vertical gasket raceway and slip-in the joint plugs at the horizontal to
vertical intersections as indicated.
Prior to installing the mullion
plugs, fill the gasket raceway and
tongue raceway with sealant to
close off the void at the joint plug
locations. The sealant height
should be a minimum of 1” long.
Apply additional sealant on all joint plug
contact surfaces. After installation of the
plugs, reseal joints and tool excess sealant
to provide a smooth drainage surface.
Mullion Joint Plugs
PVC Isolator
Seal all connecting surfaces of
horizontal and vertical mullions with
sealant for attachment of mull plugs.
Seal three (3) sides of connecting
joint plug prior to installing.