B&M 40263 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual
Page 6

STEP 15. Street only; Replace
stock 2-3 accumulator spring with
the BLUE spring supplied in kit.
Install BLUE 2-3 accumulator spring,
B&M 2-3 accumulator spacer, cover
and retaining ring (See Fig. 6).
STEP 16. Check your parts before
proceeding, you should have (3) stock
springs and no check balls (except 1 for
1980 models) or relief valves left over.
Make sure the (12) valve body plate
bolts are properly torqued.
NOTE: If you are installing a B&M
shifter in other than a Mustang, this is a
good place to install the new shift lever.
STEP 17. Remove all old gasket ma-
terial from the case surface. Install (2)
M6x40mm (1.56") alignment pins
(supplied in kit) into the holes shown
(See Fig. 6). Install case to separator
plate gasket over alignment pins. Use
a few dabs of grease to hold the
gasket against the case.
CAUTION: Valve body installation
is one of the most important steps
to insure proper operation of the
AOD transmission. The valve body
must be located flush against the
case and carefully torqued exactly
as described in the following step.
Failure to follow this procedure
can result in sticking valves and
unpredictable transmission opera-
tion. If the valve body is warped or
damaged due to improper assem-
bly it is not repairable and should
be replaced.
STEP 18. Install valve body up to case
being careful to align manual valve with
pin in detent plate (See Fig. 7). You
also have to manually engage the TV
lever between the valve body and TV
plunger. DO NOT try to force the valve
body into place, it will go right into place
with a little patience. With the valve
body sitting flush against the case
install (1) bolt to hold the valve body in
place. Make sure the detent plate pin
and internal TV lever are properly posi-
tioned then install (8) short M6x30mm
(1.16") and (16) M6x40mm (1.56")
shoulder bolts (See Fig. 1). Remove
the alignment pins only after all but the
last two bolts have been installed. In-
stall ALL bolts FINGER TIGHT. The
short bolts are installed (4) in front (1) in
center and (3) in rear of valve body.
STEP 13. Remove retaining ring, 2-3
accumulator cover, 2-3 accumulator
spring and 2-3 accumulator piston
from 2-3 accumulator bore (See Fig.
6). Remove (2) seal rings from accu-
mulator piston. Coat the (2) square
cut rubber rings supplied in kit with
clean ATF then install rings on piston.
Install piston back into bore.
STEP 14. Heavy Duty only; Replace
stock 2-3 accumulator spring with the
BLUE spring supplied in kit. Install BLUE
2-3 accumulator spring, cover and retain-
ing ring into bore (See Fig. 6).
Figure 6
2-3 Accumulator modifications
Retaining ring
2-3 Accumulator spring.
Replace stock spring with
blue spring from kit
Install spacer on
street level only
B&M piston seal ring
Install on piston
2-3 accumulator piston
B&M piston seal
Install on piston
Alignment pin
Alignment pin