B&M 10225 SHIFT IMPROVER KIT User Manual
Installation instructions

worsen the condition. However on a
properly operating transmission in
average condition, the Shift Improver
Kit will provide the kind of transmis-
sion performance you're looking for.
When installing your Shift Improver
Kit there are several other B&M prod-
ucts you may wish to consider:
Transmission Oil Cooler We feel
that it is very important that every
vehicle used in a heavy duty applica-
tion (racing, towing, RV, etc.) should
have an oil cooler. Heat is the major
cause of transmission failures, and an
oil cooler is an inexpensive safeguard
against overheating and failure. B&M
offers a wide range of transmission
coolers to suit every need, which are
available at your B&M dealer.
Trick Shift Performance ATF Trick
Shift performance automatic trans-
mission fluid is the industry’s leading
performance ATF. A specially
blended oil with foam inhibitors, ex-
treme pressure agents and shift im-
provers, this fluid assures protection
while delivering the fastest possible
shifts. You literally “Pour in perfor-
Installation Instructions
Chrysler TorqueFlite
Shift Improver Kit
Part No. 10225
1971-1977 A-727 (V-8)
1971-1977 A-904 (V-8)
(A-998 & A-999)
© 1998, 2005, 2010 by B&M Racing & Performance Products
This B&M Chrysler TorqueFlite Shift
Improver Kit has been designed to
work on all 1971 thru 1977 A-727 (V-
8) 1971-1977 A-904 (V-8) (A-998 & A-
999) transmissions.
WARNING: Incorrect checkball place-
ment can result in serious transmis-
sion damage. Be sure to follow the
instructions carefully.
We recommend that you read through
the instructions completely before
beginning the installation, so you can
f a m i l i a r i z e y o u r s e l f w i t h t h e
installation procedure and tools
required. Check the tool list at the
end of these instructions for the tools
required to install your B&M Chrysler
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit.
Installation of the B&M Chrysler
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit can
be accomplished by anyone with mini-
mum mechanical experience. It is
however, important to closely follow
the instructions.
N O T E : T h e B & M Chrysler
TorqueFlite Shift Improver Kit is
not a cure-all for an ailing transmis-
sion. If your transmission is slipping
or in poor general shape, the installa-
tion of this Shift Improver Kit may
FORM # 9500606-03