B&M 30228 TRANSPAK User Manual
B&M For the car

Printed in the U.S.A.
Installation Instructions
Trrrrranspak f
anspak f
anspak f
anspak f
anspak for
Turbo Hy
urbo Hy
urbo Hy
urbo Hy
urbo Hydr
dro 350
o 350
o 350
o 350
o 350
1968 - 1981
1968 - 1981
1968 - 1981
1968 - 1981
1968 - 1981
(see www.bmracing.com for latest product information and applications)
Part Number 30228
©2005, 2001, 1993 by B&M Racing and Performance Products
Congratulations. You have just purchased the most complete
and versatile transmission recalibration kit available. We
feel that the installation instructions on the following pages
are as complete and clear as possible. Installlation of your
Transpak is a job that can be handled by anyone with a
minumum of mechanical experience. It is important to
closely follow the instructions. Read each step and if you
don't understand, go back and read it again.
NOTE: The Transpak is not a cure-all for ailing transmissions.
If your transmission is slipping or in poor general shape, the
installation of a Transpak kit may worsen these conditions.
However, on a good operating transmission in average
condition the Transpak kit will provide the kind of transmission
performance that you're looking for.
Before beginning, check the parts list on Page 8 of these
instructions to make sure you have all the necessary parts.
Also check the tool list on Page 7. A minimum of tools are
This kit will not fit a TH-350C transmission. Use #30235
for 1980-86 TH-350C. TH-350C transmissions can be
identified by an electrical connector on the driver side of the
transmission above the pan gasket.
This kit can be installed in a few hours by carefully following
directions. Read all instructions first to familiarize yourself
with the parts and procedures.
Work slowly and do not force any parts. Transmission
components and valves are precision fit parts. Burrs and dirt
are the number one enemies of an automatic transmission.
Cleanliness is very important so a clean work area or bench
is necessary. We suggest a clean work bench top from
which oil can easily be cleaned or a large piece of cardboard.
This kit contains all parts necessary to obtain any of two
levels of performance depending on intended use:
1. Heavy Duty: Towing, campers, motorhomes, police,
taxi, on and off road desert vehicles and 4 wheelers.
2. Street: Dual purpose performance vehicles. Street
and strip high-performance cars.
Automatic transmissions operate at temperatures between
150°F and 250°F. It is suggested that the vehicle be allowed
to cool for a few hours to avoid burns from hot oil and parts.
The vehicle should be off the ground for ease of installation.
Jack stands, wheel ramps, or a hoist will work fine. Make
sure the vehicle is firmly supprted!! Try to raise it 1-2 feet so
you have plenty of room to work easily. Have a box or pan
handy to put small parts in so they won't be lost. Also have
a drain pan to catch oil in.