B&m th-400 kickdown switch kit, Installation instructions

The B&M TH400 Kickdown Switch Kit is designed to accommodate the installation of the TH-400 transmission into
vehicles that were originally equipped with TH-700-R4, TH-200, TH-200-4R, TH-350, or TH-350C transmissions.
These transmissions employ a cable operated kickdown mechanism, as opposed to the electric kickdown feature of
the TH-400.
STEP 1: Remove the stock transmission cable from the cable bracket. Do not remove or alter the position of the
bracket. Remove the cable end from the carburetor. The stock cable will no longer be required.
STEP 2: Remove jam nut from the switch. Place one large washer over switch threads. Place one small washer over
switch threads, washer will center the switch in the cable bracket. Place the switch through the cable mounting bracket
with the actuator in line with the throttle lever. Place the second large washer, then the large star washer over the switch
threads.Thread the jam nut on the threads and tighten firmly.
STEP 3: See if plastic swivel fitting fits the old throttle lever fitting. If the old throttle lever fitting cannot be used, remove
the stock cable fitting from the throttle lever or choose another hole which is large enough to accept the supplied throttle
lever fitting. Install the throttle lever fitting on the lower half of the throttle lever. The throttle lever must pull the actuator
out of the switch to initate the downshift. Install the plastic swivel fitting onto the throttle lever fitting. Install the actuator
wire through the plastic swivel as shown in figure 1.
STEP 4: Slip the wire clamp through one loop of the spring. Hook the other spring loop into the switch actuator. Install
the actuator wire into the wire clamp.Open the throttle to about 90% throttle. Tighten the scew on the wire clamp
capturing the wire into the fitting. The switch should close just before wide open throttle in order to activate the kickdown
solenoid properly. The final assembly should appear as in figure 1.
STEP 5: Route an 18 gauge or large wire from a 10 amp fuse circuit on the fusebox to the switch. The circuit used
should have voltage to it only when the ignition is ON. Install a ring end connector on the end of the wire and place it on
one pole of the switch. Tighten the screw firmly. Route a similar wire from the switch to the connector on the transmis-
sion. The wire should connect to the vertical spade of the connector if there are two terminals on the transmission. On
early model non- Chevrolet TH-400s there is a variable pitch converter feature which uses this connector. On alter
models there is a smog switch that uses the horizontal terminal.Do not use the horizontal terminal in either case for
kickdown. Make sure the wire is routed well away from any hot exhaust pipes or moving linkage.
Installation Instructions
B&M TH-400 Kickdown Switch Kit
Part Number 20297
©2009 B&M Racing & Performace Products
Figure 1
form # 9500302-01
Lever Fitting