B&M 40281 CAST DEEP PAN User Manual
C-6 deep pan, Installation instructions

Check parts list below on this sheet. Do not proceed if
any parts are missing. Contact your B&M dealer. Also
check tool list before beginning.
Step 1 Automatic transmissions reach temperatures
up to 250°F. Let the vehicle cool for a few hours. The
vehicle should be off the ground for ease of installation.
Jack stands, wheel ramps or a hoist will work fine.
to raise it at least 1-2 feet so you have plenty of room to
Step 2 Loosen and remove oil pan bolts one at a times
working toward the front of the transmission. Remove
the last two bolts slowly and the pan will tilt down to
allow the fluid to drain. If the pan sticks to the old
gasket, pry it down slightly with a screwdriver before
removing the last two bolts to break the seal.
Step 3 Remove eleven (11) filter screws. Remove and
discard filter and gasket.
Step 4 Install filter extension and gasket onto the valve
body. Tighten screws to 25 in-lbs.
Step 5 Install filter onto filter extension using filter
screws and nuts supplied.
Step 6 Install drain plug gasket onto drain plug and
install into pan.
Step 7 If using a temperature sensor, install in provided
1/8” NPT port on driver’s side otherwise apply teflon
tape to thread of plug & tighten 1/8” NPT plug.
Step 8 Scrape old gasket off surface of case. Old
gasket material can cause leaks. Install deep pan and
new gasket onto transmission. Install 17 pan bolts and
flat washers and tighten 12-13 ft-Ibs. Do not overtighten
as this can damage gasket.
Note: Some shifter brackets may have to be modified
slightly for clearance.
Step 9 Lower vehicle. Add five (5) quarts of B&M Trick
Shift or Type F ATF. Start engine and shift transmission
through all gear positions. Place selector in Neutral and
check fluid level. DO NOT OVERFILL AS THIS WILL
1 Deep Pan
1 Trans. Oil Filter
1 Oil Filter Gasket
1 Oil Pan Gasket
1 Drain Plug Gasket
1 Drain Plug
1 Filter Pick-Up Extension
3 Slotted Round Head Machine Screws
3 Hex Nuts
2 Hex Screws 5/16"-18xl 1/4"
15 Hex Screws 5/16"-18x7/8"
17 Flat Washers
1 1/2" Socket
1 5/16" Socket
1 Speed Handle or Ratchet
1 1/2" Wrench
1 3/4" Wrench
1 Scraper
1 Flat Tip Screwdriver
1 Torque Wrench 0-150 in.-Ib. (optional)
Jack stands, wheel ramps or hoist
Installation Instructions
C-6 Deep Pan
Part No. 40281
(see www.bmracing.com for the latest vehicle fitment applications and model years)
© 2006,1996 by B&M Racing & Performance Products
Printed in U.S.A.