B&M 10228 TRANSPAK User Manual
Transpak torqueflite, Installation instructions

Installation Instructions
Part No. 10227 (1978½-1996)
Part No. 10228 (1962-1978)
©2008, 2002 by B&M Racing and Performance Products
Congratulations. You have just
purchased the most complete and
versatile transmission recalibra-
tion kit available.
The 10228 Transpak fits all
Chrysler three speed Torqueflite
and Loadflite transmissions be-
tween 1962 and 1978. These are
the A-727, A-904, A-998 and A-
999 transmissions. (The A-998
and A-999 are heavy duty, eight
cylinder versions of the A-904
transmission that are essentially
identical in appearance.) None of
these transmissions have lock-up
torque converters.
The 10227 Transpak fits all
three and four speed (overdrive)
transmissions made between
1978½ and 1996. These are A-
904, A-998, A-999 and A-727
three speed transmissions and
A-500 and A-518 four speed
(Overdrive) transmissions. These
transmissions are also referred to
as TC6, TF6, TF8, 42-44-45-46-
47 RH AND RE. All of these trans-
missions have lock-up torque con-
The Transpak is not a cure-all
for ailing transmissions. If your
transmission is slipping or in poor
general shape, the installation of
a Transpak kit may worsen these
conditions. However, on a good
operating transmission in aver-
age condition the Transpak will
provide the kind of transmission
performance that you’re looking
Read all instructions first to famil-
iarize yourself with the parts and
procedures. Some assembly may
require the assistance of a pro-
fessional transmission mechanic.
Work slowly and do not force any
parts. Transmission components
and valves are precision fit parts.
Burrs and dirt are the number one
enemies of an automatic trans-
mission. Cleanliness is very im-
portant, so a clean work area or
bench is necessary. We suggest
a clean work bench top from
which oil can easily be cleaned
or a large piece of cardboard.
This kit contains all parts nec-
essary to obtain three levels of
performance depending on in-
tended use:
1. Heavy Duty: For towing, camp-
ers, motorhomes, police, taxi, etc.
Firm shift feel without loss of driv-
er comfort.
2. Street: Street driven hi-perfor-
mance cars, extra firm shift feel,
minor loss of driver comfort.
3. Off-Road Racing: High per-
formance vehicles on loose sur-
faces where full manual control of
shifting is desired. Optional fea-
ture for 3 speed transmission only
(NOTE: complete ALL steps that
indicate “FOR 3-SPEED OFF
STEP 1. Drain and remove the
transmission oil pan. If you do
not have a drain plug you should
consider installing a B&M pan
drain plug kit, #80250, at this
time. Remove the valve body
Printed in the U.S.A.