Installation instructions bracket and lever kit, Ford aod transmission

This lever and bracket kit allows
any B&M shifter to be used on a
vehicle equipped with a Ford AOD
Automatic Overdrive transmission.
(This transmission is referred to both
as an AOD and an AOT.)
With an AOD transmission a B&M
three speed automatic shifter must
be used, not a four speed shifter.
Even though the AOD is a four speed
automatic transmission, it has only
three forward shifter positions. The
shifting procedure to be able to con-
trol the four forward gears is described
at the end of these instructions.
Before starting the installation read
the instructions and be sure that you
understand them. This transmission
uses all metric fasteners.
NOTE: You will need a transmission
oil pan gasket and about 6 quarts of
B&M Trick Shift, Type CJ or Dexron II
transmission fluid, since it is neces-
sary to drain the transmission and
drop the transmission oil pan to install
the shift lever.
Check the lever that is currently on
your transmission. If it is the same
lever that is included in this kit and the
lever is installed pointed downwards,
you will not need to change the lever,
you will only have to install the cable
bracket. (Go to step 8.)
STEP 1. Jack the car up to a conven-
ient working height and place jack
stands under the frame. Never work
under a car that is supported only by
a jack, always use jack stands or
other supports.
STEP 2. Place a drain pan under the
transmission. Starting at the rear of
the pan working towards the front
loosen the pan bolts and allow the
fluid to drain. Remove all of the bolts
and let the remaining fluid drain.
Remove the pan and the gasket.
Scrape the remaining gasket material
off of the oil pan and the transmission
case. You may want to install a B&M
drain plug kit (#80250) in the oil pan
before you replace it. This kit pro-
vides a drain plug so that it will not be
necessary to remove the pan to drain
the oil in the future.
STEP 3. Disconnect the shift linkage
from the transmission shift lever (1).
If the vehicle has a steering column
shift lever, secure the shift lever on
the bottom of the steering column in
the PARK position, otherwise it will
not be possible to lock the steering
column. Remove the 13mm nut that
secures the throttle linkage lever (2)
and remove the arm from the trans-
mission. Let the arm hang loose on
the linkage.
STEP 4. Remove the oil filter (3) from
the valve body. Remove the detent
spring attaching bolt and the spring
STEP 5. Use a pair of diagonal cut-
ters to remove the shift lever retain-
ing pin (5) from the case. Loosen the
20mm nut on the inner end of the shift
lever and slide the lever out. Leave
the throttle lever shaft and inner lever
(6) in place.
STEP 6. Slide the new shift lever
into the case over the throttle lever
shaft. The arm should be pointed
downwards. Engage the new shift le-
ver (1) with the inner shift lever (7)
and install the nut. Install the shift
lever retaining pin back into its hole in
the case and tap it in. Tighten the nut.
Check to see that the inner throttle
lever (6) is properly located and that
the spring is in place. Check that the
Park operating rod (8) is in place.
STEP 7. Install the throttle lever (2)
onto its shaft and tighten the nut. Be
sure the linkage is in its original posi-
tion. Install the detent spring and its
bolt (4). Check that the throttle lever
(2) moves freely and that it pushes in
the throttle valve on the valve body.
Check that the shift lever (1) moves
through all of its positions and the
Park operating rod (8) moves with it.
STEP 8. Replace the oil filter (3).
We recommend that you use a new
filter unless the vehicle has very low
mileage. Replace the oil pan gasket
with a new gasket. Replace the origi-
nal bolts except for the two that se-
Installation Instructions
Bracket and Lever Kit
Ford AOD Transmission
Part No. 40496
© B&M Racing & Performance Products 2004, 1989
Printed in the U.S.A.