Clock constraints, Pipelining, Retiming – Achronix Synthesis User Manual

Page 9

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UG018, April 15, 2013


Clock Constraints

It is a requirement for the user to define all clocks with a specific duty cycle and frequency or
clock period goal. The user can have multiple clocks with different clock frequencies. The
default frequency can be set for all clocks with the set_option -frequency Tcl command in the
Synplify project file. If the user does not specify a global frequency, the timing analyzer uses
a default. Achronix does not recommend using the default. Use the define_clock timing
constraint to override the default and specify unique clock frequency goals for each clock
signal. Additionally, the user can use the define_clock timing constraint to set the clock
frequency for a clock signal output from clock divider logic. The clock name is the output
signal name for the register instance. When constraining a differential clock the user only
needs to constrain the positive input.


When this switch is enabled in synthesis project file, the synthesis tool uses register balancing
and pipeline registers on multipliers and ROMs. Pipelining is the process of splitting logic
into stages so that the first stage can begin processing new inputs while the last stage is
finishing the previous inputs. This ensures better throughput and faster circuit performance.
If you are using selected technologies which use pipelining, you can also use the related
technique of retiming to improve performance. Same as enabling the Pipelining option on the
Options panel of the Implementation Options dialog box.


When this switch is enabled the synthesis tool tries to improve the timing performance of
sequential circuits. The retiming process moves storage devices (flip-flops) across
computational elements with no memory (gates/LUTs) to improve the performance of the
circuit. This option also adds a retiming report to the log file. Same as enabling the Retiming
option on the Options panel of the Implementation Options dialog box. Use the
syn_allow_retiming attribute to enable or disable retiming for individual flip-flops.
Pipelining is automatically enabled when retiming is enabled.


define_clock [ -disable ] [ -virtual] {clockObject} [ -freq MHz | -period ns ] [ -clockgroup domain ]

Option descriptions:


Disables a previous set clock constraint.


Specifies arrival and required times on top level ports that are
enabled by clocks external to the chip (or block) that are being
synthesized. When specifying a name for a virtual clock, the
field can contain a unique name not associated with any port or
instance in the design.

{clockObject} This is a required parameter that specifies the name of the clock

object. Clocks can be defined on the following objects:

Top-level input ports (p:)

Nets (n:)

Instances (i:)

Output pins of instantiated cells (t:)

Clocks defined on any of the following objects WILL NOT be