Place and route, Timing report, Implementation result – Achronix Synthesis User Manual
Page 7: Constraints, Options

UG018, April 15, 2013
“Library Directories”. By default these two boxes are left empty. If user wants to add these
paths, check the + switch and add the desired directory path.
Place and Route
This tab is not presently utilized by the Achronix back-end tool (ACE).
Timing Report
This tab will generate the timing report for the user after synthesis has completed. In this tab
there are two options: i) Number of Critical paths which will depict the specified total
number critical paths found by the synthesis tool after successful completion of synthesis. ii)
Number of Start/End points, which is the number of paths the user wants displayed that
contain the same Start and End points.
Implementation Result
In this section users may use his own implementation name, default is set as rev_1. The next
box is the “Results Directory” where users want to save the synthesized netlist file. The third
box is “Results File Name” which directs users to use the synthesized netlist file name. After
selecting accordingly, the user will need to go to the “Constraints” tab.
In this sub-section, users will select the clock speed of the design. It is recommended that
users use the proper clock speed in the Frequency Box (default set to 1MHz). If users have
multiple clocks, a constraints file should be added to the Synplify Pro project.
In this section, users may change the design optimization options according to the design.
You will find options for FSM compiler, Resource sharing, Pipelining and Retiming (Register
After selecting all the options according to the users design, click “OK” and it will direct the
user to the Synplify Pro main window to run the synthesis. In this main Synplify-Pro
window, click the “RUN” button to start synthesis.