Introduction, Synthesis user guide – Achronix Synthesis User Manual
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UG018, April 15, 2013
Synthesis User Guide
This User Guide describes how to use Synplify Pro from Synopsys to synthesize a design and
generate a netlist for implementation on an Achronix Speedster22i HD device. Suggested
Optimization Techniques are also included.
Synplify-Pro reads in standard RTL and outputs a Mapped netlist which is used by the
Achronix CAD Environment (ACE) tool. The netlist file uses a .vma extension.
A high level overview of the Achronix design flow is shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 – Synthesis Flow
RTL Design
Mapped Netlist
Synthesis using
Synplify Pro
Place and Route
Bitstream Generation
If Timing
Not Met