Canon DR-5060F User Manual

Page 58

background image


Detailed Settings

Backside Setting

Set this item to scan the backside of documents.

[Backside scanning]

When this check box is marked, the backside of the document (the side of the
document that is facing down when the document is loaded on the document
tray) is scanned when scanning in the Simplex mode is set.


To scan a stack of one-sided document sheets from the last page, for
example, mark this check box, load the document face down, and scan the

When the 1/24 camera unit (for photographing the top side of documents) is
mounted and [Backside scanning] is set, a confirmation message is
displayed when scanning is started. (See P. 28)

When the Backside scanning checkbox is marked, the Feeder setting when
the Start Scanning dialog box is opened becomes “Simplex.”

When scanning is performed with the Backside scanning checkbox marked
and Feeder setting set to “Duplex,” the Backside scanning checkbox
becomes gray when the Detailed Settings dialog box is opened.

A gray Backside scanning checkbox can be restored to normal by clicking
the checkbox.

[Backside brightness]

Normally, the brightness of the backside of documents is set the same as that
of the front side. However, the brightness setting when scanning the backside
of documents can be set independently by marking this check box.
To change the brightness setting when scanning the backside of documents,
mark this check box, and set the brightness either automatically or manually.


Change the brightness setting of the backside when the density of the front and
back sides of the document is different.

Filter settings

Set the type of filtering to be applied on scanned images.


Set the level (1 to 13) of the automatic exposure function when Mode is set to
[Black and White]. The automatic exposure function sets the brightness and
contrast of the image according to the difference in light and dark in the
selected area.
Reducing the level darkens the image, while increasing the level lightens the
image. Default is 7.

[Edge Emphasis]

Set this to emphasize the edges of text or to soften graininess in photographic
images, for example. Set the level within the range 1 to 5. Default is 3.