For your safety, Warnings – Nikon COOLPIX AW100 User Manual

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For Your Safety

Drevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourseif or to others, read

foiiowing safety precautions in their entirety before using this eguipment.








/fV Turn off in the event of


Shouidyou notice smoke or an unusuai

smeii coming from the camera or

Battery Charger, unpiug the AC adapter

and remove the battery immediateiy,
taking care to avoid burns. Continued

operation couid resuit in injury. After

removing or disconnecting the power

source, take the eguipment to a Nikon-

authorized service representative for


/fk Do not disassemble

Touching the internai parts of the

camera or Battery Charger couid resuit

in injury. Repairs shouid be performed

oniy by quaiified technicians. Shouid
the camera or Battery Charger break

open as the resuit of a faii or other

accident, take the product to a Nikon-

authorized service representative for

inspection, after unpiugging the

product and/or removing the battery.

/fv Do not use the camera or

Battery Charger in the
presence of flammable gas

Using the camera in the presence of

fiammabie gases such as propane and
gasoiine, as weii as fiammabie sprays or

dust couid resuit in expiosion or fire.


Remove the strap when using

the camera underwater

Twisting the camera strap around the

neck may cause suffocation.


Handle the camera strap with


Never piace the strap around the neck

of an infant or chiid.

/fv Keep out of reach of children

Do not keep the products within reach

of chiidren. Doing so may cause injury.

Particuiar care shouid be taken to

prevent infants from putting the

battery or other smaii parts into their


/fv Do not remain in contact with

the camera, battery charger,
or AC adapter for extended

periods while the devices are

on or in use.

Parts of the devices become hot.
Leaving the devices in direct contact

with the skin for extended periods may

resuit in iow-temperature burns.