Compaq P5000 Series User Manual

Page 176

background image




cabinet model, 25

Changing parameters, 55

Character formation overview

dot matrix, 15

Character Set, 83, 85, 88

ASCII, 161

Cleaning requirements, 135

CLEAR PAPER JAM message, 143

Clear to send (CTS) signal

RS-232 serial interface, 131

CLOSE PLATEN message, 143


Communication, bidirectional (1284), 126

Communication, Dataproducts parallel, 120

Compatibility mode, 126

Component locations, 20

Compressed CPI, 92


Centronics parallel interface, 123

changing parameters, 55

Dataproducts parallel interface, 121

deleting, 59

interface with VMS Operating SystemVMS

configuration, 133

loading configuration values, 63

menu, top level, 50, 68

power-up selection, 65

printout, 61

protecting, 61

RibbonMinder, 150

RS-232 serial interface, 132

RS-422 serial interface, 132

saving, 57

saving parameters, 51

terminating resistors, 124

Configuration menus

Centronics Parallel, 107

Config. Control, 70

Dataproducts Parallel, 109

Diagnostics, 114

Emulation, 73

Host Interface, 103

IEEE 1284 Parallel, 111

Maint/Misc, 102

Printer Control, 112

Serial Interface, 104

Configurations, types of, 51

Configuring printer, 49

Config. Control

menu, 70


cable, 34

Connectors for host interface cables

cabinet model, 34

Control Code 06, 87

Control Code 08, 87

Control codes and control panel changes, 51

Control panel keys, 52

Control panel overlays, attaching, 27, 33

CPI/LPI Select, 79

CR Edit, 91

CTL VOLT FAIL * message, 143


Dark Barcode, 98

Data Bit 8, 100

Data Bit 8 parameter

Centronics, 107

Dataproducts, 109

Data Bits parameter, 105

Data carrier detect (DCD) signal

RS-232 serial interface, 131

Data lines 1 through 8 signal

Centronics parallel interface, 122

Dataproducts parallel interface, 120

Data Polarity parameter

Centronics, 107

Dataproducts, 109

Data protocol, 104

Data Request Polarity

Dataproducts, 110

Data set ready (DSR) signal

RS-232 serial interface, 131