Rs-232 and rs-422 serial interface signals, Rs-232, Rs-422 – Compaq P5000 Series User Manual

Page 131: Rs-232 and rs-422 serial interface protocol, Rs-232 and rs-422 serial interface error handling

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RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Signals


RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Signals

The RS-232 connector mounted on the printer is a 25-pin DB-25S type. The
mating connector is a DB-25P. RS-232 and RS-422 compatible serial
interface signals are defined as follows:


Received Data (RD). Serial data stream to the printer.

Transmitted Data (TD). Serial data stream from the printer for transmitting
status and control information to the host. Subject to protocol selection.

Request To Send (RTS). Control signal from the printer. Subject to

Clear To Send (CTS). Status signal to the printer indicating the host is ready
to receive data/status signals from the printer.

Data Set Ready (DSR). Status signal to the printer indicating the host is in a
ready condition.

Data Carrier Detect (DCD). Status signal to the printer. The ON condition is
required for the printer to receive data.

Data Terminal Ready (DTR). Control signal from the printer. Subject to


+RD, -RD. Serial data stream differentially received by printer.

+TD, -TD. Differentially driven serial data stream for transmitting status and
control information to the host. Subject to protocol selection.

NOTE: ±RD and ±TD form signal and return paths of a differential line


RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Protocol

XON/XOFF. The printer transmits an XON character (hex 11) when entering
the online mode or when the buffer is almost empty. The printer transmits an
XOFF character (hex 13) when entering the offline mode or when the buffer is
almost full.

RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Error Handling

NOTE: All serial errors are treated as faults that require operator intervention.

Parity Error Handling. Parity error checking is a configuration option
selected from the control panel.

With odd or even parity checking selected, a character with a parity error is
replaced with a question mark (?) character.

When parity checking is not selected (“NONE” on the control panel), parity
errors are ignored and the characters are printed as received.