Dell PowerVault MD3000 User Manual

Page 50

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Configuring a Storage Array

The command in this example automatically creates a new disk group and a
virtual disk with the name Engineering_1. The disk group will have a RAID
level of 5 (RAID 5). The command uses three physical disks to construct the
disk group. The virtual disk created has a capacity of 20 GB. If each physical
disk has a capacity of 73 GB, the total capacity of the disk group is 219 GB.
Because only 20 GB are assigned to the virtual disk, 199 GB remain available
for other virtual disks that you can later add to this disk group. The segment
size for each virtual disk is 64 KB. Hot spares have not been created for this
new disk group. You must create hot spares after running this command.

Creating Virtual Disks with Software-Assigned Physical Disks

You can let the MD Storage Manager software assign the physical disks when
you create the virtual disk. To have the software assign the physical disks, you
need only specify the number of physical disks to use. The MD Storage
Manager software then chooses the physical disks on which the virtual disk is
created. The RAID controller module firmware assigns a disk group number
to the new disk group. The following syntax is the general form for the

create virtualDisk physicalDiskCount=


raidLevel=(0 | 1 | 5)



" [physicalDiskType=

(SAS | SATA)] [capacity=



owner=(0 | 1) | segmentSize=



[enclosureLossProtect=(TRUE | FALSE)])


The physicalDiskType, capacity, owner, segmentSize, and

enclosureLossProtect parameters are optional. You can use one or all of the
optional parameters as needed to help define your configuration. You do not,
however, need to use any optional parameters.

This command is similar to the previous create virtualDisk command, which
allows the user to assign the physical disks. This version of the command
requires only the number and the type of physical disks to use in the disk
group. You do not need to enter a list of physical disks. All other parameters
are the same. Enclosure loss protection is performed differently when MD
Storage Manager assigns the physical disks as opposed to when a user assigns
the physical disks. (For an explanation of the difference, see "Enclosure Loss
Protection" on page 52.)