3 states and results for deployment tasks, States and results for deployment tasks – Acronis Snap Deploy 5 - User Guide User Manual

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Run: Starts the selected task. The task will wait for machines to become ready and then will
perform deployment to them.

Stop: Stops the selected task. The machines whose deployment finished by the time you stop the
task remain deployed (the last result (p. 130) for such machines is Succeeded).

Edit: Edits the task in the Create Deployment Task Wizard.

Delete: Deletes the task from the deployment server.

View log: Shows the log entries related to the selected task.

13.3 States and results for deployment tasks

The State column shows the current state of the task.

The state can be one of the following:

Idle: The task is not running. It will run on a schedule or when a specified number of machines
become ready. Alternatively, you can start the task manually.

Waiting for machines: The task has started but is waiting for machines to become ready. This
state occurs in the following cases:

A task that performs deployment to a specified list of machines waits until the machines are
woken up or reboot into the bootable environment.

A task that performs deployment to a number of any ready machines waits until this number
is reached.

In progress (shown as percentage complete): The task is performing deployment. After
deployment has finished on all machines, the task state becomes Idle.

Stopping: The task is stopping after you chose to stop it or after not enough machines became
ready after a time-out. The task will then enter the Idle state.

The Last result column shows the result of the deployment task.

The result can be one of the following:

Succeeded: Deployment has been successful on all of the machines where it started (all of these
machines have the Succeeded (p. 130) result).

Failed: Deployment to one or more machines failed (a machine has the Failed (p. 130) result).

Stopped: The task has been stopped. This state occurs in either of these cases:

You stopped the task, by using the Stop (p. 133) action.

The task stopped because not enough machines became ready for deployment, according to
the deployment start condition you specified when creating the deployment task (p. 107).