2 groups of machines, 3 actions on machines, Groups of machines – Acronis Snap Deploy 5 - User Guide User Manual
Page 129: Actions on machines

Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
Tip: Make sure that you specify the MAC address correctly. Any set of six hexadecimal numbers is
recognized as a valid MAC address of a machine, even if a network adapter with that address does not
actually exist.
11.2 Groups of machines
Using groups helps you to organize the list of machines.
For example, you can create a separate group for each department in your organization. You can
then perform deployment to some or all machines of a department by selecting them in the
corresponding group.
Each machine can be a member of one or more groups.
To create a group, click Create group on the toolbar, and then type the name of the group.
To add one or more machines to a group, select them in the list, click Add to group on the toolbar,
and then select the group to add the machines to.
A group itself cannot be specified for deployment.
To create a deployment task for all machines that are currently in a group, right-click the group, and
then click Deploy image. Subsequent changes to the group do not affect the list of machines in the
deployment task.
In addition to the groups you create, there is the All machines built-in group. It contains the entire
list of machines.
11.3 Actions on machines
To perform an action on a machine, right-click that machine in the list. Most actions are also
available when you select more than one machine.
The actions are the following:
Deploy image: Starts the Create Deployment Task Wizard (p. 103). By default, the deployment
task is being created for the selected machine (or machines).
Cancel deployment: Cancels the currently running deployment for the selected machine.
Add to group: Adds the selected machines to a group you previously created.
Remove from group: For the selected machines in a group, removes them from that group.
Delete: Removes the selected machines from the list. The machine will reappear in the list the
next time it connects to the deployment server.
Deny deployments: Excludes the selected machines from any deployment through the
deployment server. As a result:
Any deployment tasks do not apply to the machine. However, the list of machines in those
tasks is not affected.
User-initiated deployment (p. 118) for the selected machines is not possible.
Stand-alone deployment (p. 116) for the selected machines is possible, because it does not
use the deployment server.
Allow deployments: Undoes the exclusion of the selected machines that was previously done by
the Deny deployments action.