Scientific notation display, Engineering notation display, Mantissa display – HP 15c User Manual

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Section 5: The Display and Continuous Memory


Scientific Notation Display

i (scientific) format displays a number in scientific notation. The
sequence ´i n specifies the number of decimal places to be shown.
Up to six decimal places can be shown since the exponent display takes
three spaces. The display will be rounded to the specified number of
decimal places; however, if you specify more decimal places than the six
places the display can hold (that is, i 7, 8, or 9), rounding will occur in
the undisplayed seventh, eighth, or ninth decimal place.


With the previous number still in the display:



´i 6

1.234568 02 Rounds to and shows six

decimal places.

´i 8

1.234567 02 Rounds to eight decimal places,

but displays only six.

Engineering Notation Display


(engineering) format displays numbers in an engineering notation

format in a manner similar to i, except:

 In engineering notation, the first significant digit is always present in

the display. The number you key in after ´^ specifies the
number of additional digits to which you want to round the display.

 Engineering notation shows all exponents in multiples of three.






12. -03

Rounds to the first digit after
the leading digit.

´^ 3

12.35 -03

10 *

123.5 -03

Decimal shifts to maintain
multiple of three in exponent.

´• 4


Usual • 4 format.


Therefore, the display shows no distinction among i. 7, 8, and 9 unless the number rounded up is a 9,
which carries a 1 over into the next higher decimal place
