Other applications – HP 15c User Manual
Page 57
Section 4: Statistics Functions
70 ´j
Predicted grain yield in tons/hectare.
The original data closely approximates a
straight line.
Other Applications
Interpolation. Linear interpolation of tabular values, such as in
thermodynamics and statistics tables, can be carried out very simply on the
HP-15C by using the j function. This is because linear interpolation is
linear estimation: two consecutive tabular values are assumed to form two
points on a line, and the unknown intermediate value is assumed to fall on
that same line.
Vector Arithmetic. The statistical accumulation functions can be used to
perform vector addition and subtraction. Polar vector coordinates must be
converted to rectangular coordinates upon entry (θ, v, r ;,
results are recalled from R
(Σx) and R
(Σy) (using l z) and
converted back to polar coordinates, if necessary. Remember that for polar
coordinates the angle is between -180° and 180° (or -π and π
radians, or -
200 and 200 grads). To convert to a positive angle, add 360 (or 2π or 400)
to the angle.
For the second vector entered, the final keystroke will be either z or
w, depending on whether the two vectors should be added or subtracted.