HP 15c User Manual

Page 270

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270 Programming Summary and Index

following the G
(page 101).

‚ Back step.
Moves calculator back
one or more lines in
program memory. (Also
scrolls in Program
mode.) Displays line
number and contents of
previous program line
(page 83).

 Single step. In
Program mode: moves
calculator forward one
or more lines in
program memory. In
Run mode: displays and
executes the current
program line, then steps
to next line to be
executed (page 82).

© Pause. Halts
program execution for
about 1 second to
display contents of X-
register, then resumes
execution (page 68).

¦ Run/Stop.
Begins program
execution from current
line number in program
memory. Stops
execution if program is
running (page 68).

n Return. Causes

calculator to return to
line 000 and halt
execution (if running)
(page 68). If in a
subroutine, merely
returns to line after
G (page 101).

F Set flag (= true).
Sets designated flag (0
to 9). Flags 0 through 7
are user flags, flag 8
signifies Complex
mode, and flag 9
signifies an overflow
condition (page 92).

" Clear flag (=
false). Clears
designated flag (0 to 9)
(page 92).


Is flag set? Tests

for designated flag. If
set, program execution
continues; If cleared,
program execution
skips one line before
continuing (page 92).

£ ~ T {0
through 9} Conditional
tests. Each test
compares value in X-
register against 0 or
value in Y-register as
indicated. If true,
calculator executes
instruction in next line
of program memory. If
false, calculator skips

one line in program
memory before
resuming execution
(page 91). ~ and
T 0, 5, and 6 are
also valid for complex
numbers and matrix
descriptors (pages 132.

T 0 x ≠ 0
T 1 x > 0
T 2 x < 0
T 3 x ≥ 0
T 4 x ≤ 0
T 5 x = y
T 6 xy
T 7 x > y
T 8 x < y
T 9 x y

s Decrement and
skip if equal to or less
than. Decrements
counter value in given
register as stipulated.
Skips one program line
if new counter value is
equal to or less than
specified test value
(page 109).

I Increment and
skip if greater than.
Increments counter
value in given register
as stipulated. Skips one
program line if new
counter value is greater
than specified test value
(page 109).