Bio-Rad Econo Gradient Pump Kits User Manual
Page 19

Screen 1. Flow Rate Selection.
Use the soft keys to select either RPM (revolutions per minute) or
ml/m. This information will be used in writing a protocol from the
Program mode and in using the Manual mode.
If RPM is selected, the user may control the pump speed in
revolutions per minute (RPM). Pressing Next skips to screen 9.
If ML/M is selected, the user is required to calibrate the pump.
This choice enables the user to control the pump speed in ml/m.
Pressing Next continues to screen 2.
1 Flow rate
RPM ml/m
Screen 2. Pump Calibration.
The tubing ID is selected here. Calibration can be accomplished by
either entering the tubing ID or actually measuring the flow rate.
If you select “Tube ID” pressing Next continues to screen 3.
If you select “flow” pressing Next skips to screen 4.
2 Calibrate by
TUBE ID flow
Note: Flow rate depends on condition of tubing, platen adjustment,
and back pressure. For maximum flow rate accuracy, calibrate the
flow rate as the tubing ages or becomes worn, when the tubing is
replaced, if the platen is readjusted, or if back pressure changes
Screen 3. Pump Calibration by Tubing ID.
The tubing ID can be entered here. Use the arrow keys or the center
softkey to scroll through the available tubing ID choices. The pump
calibration is estimated from this. Enter the tubing ID and press Next
to accept the value and advance to screen 6.
3 Enter tube ID
___ mm
System Operation
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