Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System User Manual

Page 42

background image


Section 6 Troubleshooting


Possible Cause


Image is not visible on the

Aperture is closed

Incorrect monitor settings

Wrong cable connections

Open the aperture

See your computer manual

See Appendix A for correct

Image is not bright enough

Wrong aperture setting

Insufficient exposure time

Open the aperture

Select longer exposure time

Impossible to image whole
sample area

Lens is zoomed-in too close

Zoom-out the lens

Printout does not look the
same as the image on the

• Monitor settings are wrong
• Thermal printer settings are


Read the manual for the printer to
ensure proper settings

Light leakage into the

The lens body is not properly
centered and against the light
seal gasket on the hood

Τhe rear hole on the MZL not
closed with the screw

Loosen the bracket and move the
camera around, to properly seal
the hood opening or adaptor plate,
as the case may be

Close the hole with the black
plastic screw

Hot (very bright) pixels are
seen in the image

XRS only)

Hot pixels are more
susceptible to dark current
than surrounding pixels.

Select reference by clicking on
the appropriate box in the Options

Hot (very bright) pixels are
seen in the image
(Gel Doc XR only)

Corrupted reference dark

Click on Options button and then
click on Reset Reference Dark

ChemiDoc XRS camera will
not respond/camera not

Camera power may be turned

Controller cables may not be
seated properly

Software driver for the
camera is missing

Computer power-saving
modes may be interfering
with the camera driver

Multiple FireWire devices
are installed on the same

Camera may be defective

Turn ON the power to the camera

Make sure that all cables are
connected properly

Install Quantity One software
again if the camera driver is not

Disable power-saving modes on
the computer

Exit out of the Quantity One

software and turn off power to the
ChemiDoc XRS camera

Power the camera back on and
restart the software

Replace camera

ChemiDoc XRS image will
not autoexpose

The sample is too bright and
saturates the image at the
minimum possible exposure

Close the Iris control until
autoexpose is possible

Unable to focus on the
sample using white light
transilluminator or
conversion screen

Aperture is open too wide
causing a shallow depth of

Close the iris slightly and then
focus again. Repeat until good
focus is achieved

This manual is related to the following products: