Silver staining tips – Bio-Rad Silver Stain Plus Kit User Manual
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10 Silver Stain Plus
Silver Staining Tips
• Containers must be scrupulously clean. Clean
glassware and staining containers prevent
inconsistencies in staining. Glass, polyethylene,
or polypropylene staining vessels may be cleaned
with 50% nitric acid after cleaning with laboratory
detergent. Rinse thoroughly with high-quality
deionized water
• Never touch gels with metal objects or with bare skin.
PVC or latex gloves, rinsed with deionized water,
should be used if the gel must be handled. Perform
gel manipulations with glass or polyethylene rods, if
• If the gel is squeezed, bent, or torn, uneven
background staining may result in the affected portion
of the gel
• The gel should always be completely submerged in
solution. Gels that float on the surface of the solutions
will not stain consistently and will show background