3 important safety information, 4 requirements for system operation – Bio-Rad PDS-1000 / He™ and Hepta™ Systems User Manual

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1.3 Important Safety Information

Pressurized Helium Safety Information

Caution: Although helium is neither toxic nor flammable, all gases under pressure are poten-

tially dangerous if used improperly. Never use a helium tank with, or attach a tank to, the

PDS-1000/He system unless the tank is properly secured. Follow the instructions provided with

the helium cylinder from the supplier and those that are applicable for your institution (site

safety officer). Bio-Rad has supplied tubing, fittings, a control valve, and a pressure regula-

tor capable of safely handling the high pressure helium gas used in the Biolistic bombard-

ment process. These components have been carefully selected and are the only parts to be

used with the PDS-1000/He system.

Power Safety Information

Figure 1.3 shows the serial number certification label which is found at the rear of the

Biolistic PDS-1000/He unit. This label provides the manufacturing data about the instrument,

its voltage settings, and CDRH standards for electrical safety. This instrument and its acces-

sories conform to the IEC and CDRH standards for electrical safety.

Fig. 1.3. Instrument serial number label on the rear of the instrument.

1.4 Requirements for System Operation

Selecting Site for Operation

Prepare a space 61 cm wide x 46 cm long x 61 cm high (24 inches x 18 inches x 24 inches)

preferably in a bio-containment hood or other tissue preparation area, near a standard electrical

outlet (110 V/60 Hz in the U.S.). Also, allow for placement of the vacuum pump near the site of

operation if house vacuum is not used (see Vacuum Supply).

User Supplied Components

Helium Supply
Only helium gas is to be used with PDS-1000/He system. The low atomic weight of heli-

um permits maximum gas expansion into the bombardment chamber. Thus, sufficient acceler-

ation of the DNA-coated microcarriers is generated for penetration of the target cell membrane.

Obtain a high pressure (2,400 to 2,600 psi) tank of high purity helium for optimization of

bombardment conditions for the biological system of choice. This allows use of all of the rupture

disks (the highest disk has a 2,200 psi rating). Only grade 5 (99.999%) or grade 4.5 (99.995%)

helium is to be used, since helium of a lesser grade contains contaminating material which may

obstruct gas flow within the PDS-1000/He system, as well as contaminate the biological sample.

Follow all safety instructions provided by helium supplier for helium tank installation.


Made in U.S.A.

Model No.


Serial No.