Bio-Rad PDS-1000 / He™ and Hepta™ Systems User Manual

Page 14

background image

Fig. 2.9. Front view of PDS-1000/He unit.

Table 2.2. Front View-Interior of Bombardment Chamber

Bombardment Chamber

Closes chamber with a solid piece of polycarbon-

Door (with Brace)

ate plastic. Note the single, large o-ring which

seals vacuum in the chamber, and the self-posi-

tioning brace which eliminates flex of chamber

walls during bombardment cycle.

Rupture Disk

Seals Rupture Disk against chamber end of Gas

Retaining Cap

Acceleration Tube. This must be tightened securely.

The Torque Wrench is used in the holes in the cap

which are visible in the photo.

Microcarrier Launch Assembly

Holds the DNA/microcarrier preparation on a

Macrocarrier sheet over the Stopping Screen in

the path of the helium shock wave.

Target Shelf

Holds the biological target in a Petri plate in the

path of the accelerated DNA/microcarrier prepara-

tion. Particle flight distance is determined by posi-

tioning the shelf at one of four levels using slots in

the chamber walls.



Launch Assembly

Power Switch


Helium Pressure Gauge

Target Shelf


Chamber Door

Vacuum Gauge

Vac/Vent/Hold Switch

Vacuum/Vent Rate

Control Valves

Fire Switch

Disk Retaining
