Cabletron Systems Lancast Media Converter 7000 User Manual
Page 91
FDDI Management
If both TTRT value and source address length are equal, the frame with the
highest address has precedence.
The 7F06-02 is shipped with a default T-Req of 6 msec. T-Req is stored within the
MIB in units of nanoseconds (one billionth of a second) rather than milliseconds
(one thousandth of a second); SPECTRUM Element Manager converts
nanoseconds to milliseconds for display purposes. You can use any SNMP Set
Request tool to edit the T-Req value; just remember that you must enter your
value in nanoseconds, rather than milliseconds.
T-Neg. (Negotiated)
The winning time negotiated in the ring initialization sequence.
Concentrator M Ports
This Þeld displays the number of Master (M) ports on the device that are
associated with the selected SMT entity. A Master port is a port that provides a
connection for Single Attachment Station (SAS) devices to the FDDI network. The
7F06-02 does not support M ports, so this Þeld will always display 0.
Concentrator Non-M Ports
This Þeld display the number of non-Master ports (A, B, or S ports) on the device
that are associated with the selected SMT entity. Each 7F06-02 module supports
two A /B port pairs; as each pair supports its own ring (and, therefore, its own
SMT entity), this Þeld will display 2.
Number of MACs
The number of Media Access Control entities present on the device associated
with the selected SMT entity. For the 7F06-02, this number will be 1.
MAC Path
Indicates the conÞguration of the MAC in respect to the logical ring, as
determined by the Connection Management (CMT) portion of SMT. CMT controls
the establishment of a media attachment to the FDDI network, the connections
with other nodes in the ring, and the internal conÞguration of the various entities
within a node. CMT provides the link conÞdence test, and speciÞes a Link Error
Monitor (LEM) which monitors active links on a per-link basis to ensure that
failing links are detected and, if required, removed from the network. Possible
values are:
indicates that the MAC is inserted into the primary path of the
currently used FNB ring.
indicates that the MAC is inserted into the secondary path of the
currently used FNB ring.
means that the MAC is not inserted into a primary or secondary path of
a dual ring, but may be connected to one or more other nodes. This is not a
valid value for the 7F06-02.
means that the MAC has no connection to the ring or other
concentrator ports.