Advanced alarm configuration, Accessing the rmon advanced alarm/event list, Advanced alarm conþguration -10 – Cabletron Systems Lancast Media Converter 7000 User Manual

Page 68: Accessing the rmon advanced alarm/event list -10

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Alarm Configuration


Advanced Alarm Configuration


This index number uniquely identiÞes each occurrence of
a rising or falling event. Note that, since the alarm whose
log is displayed in

Figure 4-2

experienced both rising and

falling alarms, there are two sets of event indices: one
which identiÞes each instance of the rising alarm, and
one which identiÞes each instance of the falling alarm.


Indicates the date and time of each event occurrence.


Provides a detailed description of the condition which
triggered the alarm, including whether it was a Rising or
Falling alarm, the Value which triggered the alarm, and
the conÞgured Threshold that was crossed.

Each log will hold only a Þnite number of entries, which is determined by the
resources available on the device; when the log is full, the oldest entries will be
replaced by new ones.

Advanced Alarm Configuration

The Basic Alarm ConÞguration window provides a quick and easy way to set up
some basic alarms for all of the interfaces installed in your SmartSwitch 7000
chassis. However, if you prefer more control over the parameters of the alarms
you set (as well as their associated events and actions) and/or a wider array of
choices for each variable, the Advanced Alarm feature provides a powerful and
ßexible means for conÞguring alarms, events, and actions to suit your particular
networking needs.

Accessing the RMON Advanced Alarm/Event List

To access the RMON Advanced Alarm/Event List window:


From the Chassis View, click on the appropriate port interface to display the
Port menu; drag down to Alarm Configuration, and release.


In the Basic Alarm Configuration window, click on

; the RMON

Advanced Alarm/Event List window,

Figure 4-3

, will appear.


For more information about the relationship between rising and falling alarms and the
hysteresis function that controls the generation of alarm events, see How Rising and
Falling Thresholds Work


page 4-26
