Cabletron Systems Lancast Media Converter 7000 User Manual

Page 13

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Software Conventions



Figure 1-1. Sample Window Showing Group Boxes

Device Name

Displays the user-deÞned name of the device. The device name can be changed
via the System Group window; see the Generic SNMP UserÕs Guide for details.

IP Address

Displays the deviceÕs IP (Internet Protocol) Address; this will be the IP address
used to deÞne the device icon. The IP address is assigned via Local Management
to the 7X00 Control ModuleÕs internal Host interface; it cannot be changed via
SPECTRUM Element Manager. Note that although each interface in the
SmartSwitch 7000 hub has its own MAC, or physical, address, only a single IP
address is assigned.


Displays the user-deÞned location of the device. The location is entered through
the System Group window; see the Generic SNMP UserÕs Guide for details.

MAC Address

Displays the manufacturer-set MAC address associated with the IP address used
to deÞne the device icon; this will be the MAC address assigned to the 7X00
Control ModuleÕs internal Host interface. Note that each interface in the
SmartSwitch 7000 chassis has its own MAC address; these addresses are
factory-set and cannot be altered.




IP Address