Cabletron Systems Lancast Media Converter 7000 User Manual

Page 101

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Accessing the ATM Connections Window


ATM Configuration


The Settings portion of the window contains a list box which displays information
about each of the currently conÞgured PVCs, as well as the Þelds used to
conÞgure new connections:


The device interface on which the PVC was conÞgured.
Note that interfaces installed in a 7C0x chassis are
indexed following an XXXXYY format, where X = the slot
number in which the module containing the interface is
installed, times 10,000; and Y = the physical index
assigned to the port interface on the module. For
example, an index of 40001 would refer to port 1 on the
module installed in slot 4 of the chassis.


Displays the Virtual Path IdentiÞer assigned to the
connection; current versions of 7A06-01 Þrmware allow
values from 0 - 3. Virtual Path IdentiÞers are used to
group virtual connections, allowing for channel trunking
between ATM switches. Each VPI can be conÞgured to
carry many different channels (designated by VCIs)
between two points.


Displays the Virtual Channel IdentiÞer assigned to the
connection; allowable values are 0 - 1023 for each VPI.
Each assigned VCI must be unique within its deÞned
VPI: for example, you can assign a VCI of 14 as many as
four times: once with a VPI of 0, once with a VPI of 1, and
so on. Remember, it is the combined VPI and VCI
designations assigned to a channel that creates the
grouping of virtual connections.

Encapsulation Type

Displays the method used to encapsulate LAN packets
on the selected circuit. Current versions of 7A06-01
Þrmware use 802.3 VC-based multiplexing for bridging
protocols (designated VC MUX 802.3 Bridged); future
versions will add support for ATM Forum LAN
Emulation and CabletronÕs SecureFast Switching. You
may also see some connections assigned a type of
ÒotherÓ; these are default connections that cannot be
modiÞed or deleted.


For some 7A06 Þrmware versions, the I/F Þeld will display a bogus value (like the Т31У
displayed in

Figure 6-1

); check the I/F Þeld at the bottom of the window for the correct

interface index values.