Glossary of terms – Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 User Manual

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A p p e n d i x – G l o s s a r y o f T e r m s

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Baseline 3200

Glossary of Terms

Auto Calibration

The controller is able to determine the water holding capacity (Field
Capacity) of soil when using biSensor based watering strategies. A single
calibration cycle, or automatic monthly calibration cycles can be scheduled.


This is Baseline’s term for several types of two-wire devices. A Baseline
valve decoder is referred to as a valve biCoder. Baseline decoders are called
biCoders because they are capable of full, bidirectional communications.
This allows biCoders to report back to the controller with specific
information, including valve solenoid current and voltage, two-wire
communications health and voltage, and other rich diagnostics information.


This is Baseline’s name for their patented digital Time Domain
Transmissibility soil moisture sensor.


This generic term refers to a two-wire device that can actuate a valve when
the controller sends a message to do so.


This term refers to the amount of moisture that has been used or removed
from the soil.

Design Flow

This is the GPM that is expected for a zone or the capacity of a mainline,
based on the physical components and topology used in construction.


This refers to the precipitation rate for different areas of the landscape.
This is based on head types, spacing, layout topology, pressure, etc. Having
a uniform distribution is very important.

Uniformity (DU)

This term is used to describe how evenly a sprinkler system applies water to
any specific zone or area. High distribution uniformity means that the
measured precipitation rate at any point in a zone will be roughly the same.
Low distribution uniformity means that some areas get much more water
per minute of run time than others.

Field Capacity

This is the maximum water holding capacity of the soil, i.e., the level of soil
moisture left in the soil after drainage of the gravitational water. Irrigation
to levels above field capacity will result in runoff or drainage as gravitational

Flow Device

This is a device that is capable of measuring water flow and water used.

Linked Zone

Within a zone group, there is one primary zone and all other zones are then
“linked” to the primary and will get their programming information from
the primary (water time, program, schedule, etc.)

Lower Limit

This water strategy is programmed by setting the schedule to water every
day, and then setting the biSensor to allow watering when the moisture
level drops below this limit – the controller can automatically set this lower
limit after a calibration cycle, or it can be set manually.