Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 User Manual
Page 54

C h a p t e r 4 – T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Page 52
Baseline 3200
Press ENTR to test the biSensor. This test will return the current moisture, soil
temperature, and two-wire voltage drop.
Self-test status
No response
Two-wire connection to the biSensor is broken – repair wire
and connections to the biSensor.
Two-wire voltage loss is too high – check other devices in
same vicinity for high two-wire voltage loss – repair high
resistance connections between controller and devices.
The biSensor is damaged – remove biSensor and move it
directly to the controller to test its ability to communicate.
Zero Reading
The biSensor detection blade is damaged – if the soil
temperature reading is valid replace the biSensor.
There are additional categories of biSensor conditions that are a result of biSensor placement or
programming that are covered in the following table. These conditions are only valid where the
biSensor is buried.
Ground is too dry
with low biSensor
moisture reading
Not enough zone water time – increase water time to apply
at least 0.5” of water
biSensor not being watered by its primary zone – change
assignment or move biSensor to correct location
Program start times are too infrequent – increase the
program start time frequency
biSensor limit is too low – raise limit or run a biSensor
calibration cycle (refer to page 38)
Ground is too dry
with high biSensor
moisture reading
biSensor not being watered by its primary zone – change
assignment or move biSensor to correct location
biSensor is buried too deep – rebury biSensor to be only 3”
Ground is too wet
with high biSensor
moisture reading
biSensor is buried in low area where water collects – move
biSensor from low area
biSensor not being watered by its primary zone – change
assignment or move biSensor to correct location
Program start times are too often – increase the interval
between start times
biSensor limit is too high – lower limit or run a biSensor
calibration cycle (refer to page 38)
Ground is too wet
with low biSensor
moisture reading
biSensor not being watered by its primary zone – change
assignment or move biSensor to correct location
biSensor is buried too deep – rebury biSensor to be only 3”
Not enough zone water time – increase water time to apply
at least 0.5” of water