Upper limit, Complying with water restrictions – Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 User Manual

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C h a p t e r 2 – B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g

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Baseline 3200

Upper Limit

This water strategy also has several programming options. As previously mentioned, this
strategy will vary the zone water time each time the program runs, to apply enough water to
raise the moisture level to field capacity. Soak cycles are critical for this mode as the controller
will monitor the moisture level as water is applied. At the end of each soak cycle it will
determine if an additional water cycle is needed. Once the upper limit has been reached, the
controller will water for an additional 50% of the primary zone run time to compensate for
distribution uniformity issues and increased deep watering.

The following summarizes the setting options for upper limit biSensor watering:

Water Strategy


Manual Limit



Upper (manual)

User sets



Upper (one
calibration cycle)

Pending until after
calibration cycle

User can modify



Upper Auto


After calibration
cycle, user can set an
adjustment to
calculated limit

Next water cycle

First water cycle of
each month

These are the upper limit programming requirements:

Set zone run times to apply ½” to ¾” of water

Set program to use Historical ET Calendar day intervals (or alternately, specific days of
the week)

Enable soak-cycles

Use upper auto water strategy

Upper limit watering has the following behaviors:

The water schedule is known as far as what days watering will occur – use water
windows to specify a mow day.

The water run time for a program is variable, so the end completion time is not
predictable – if there are completion time constraints, this may not be a good water

Complying with Water Restrictions

There are times and seasons when water restrictions are placed on areas. Keeping a green and
healthy landscape during these restrictions is best achieved with deep rooted turf! Train your
grass before the crisis to grow deep roots (water deep and only when the grass needs it)

Under sevier water restrictions, do not try to water using moisture
biSensors – set the water strategies to Timed and apply permitted water.
The moisture graphs can be used to track the moisture depletion rate.

The first step in understanding how to keep the controller from watering when it shouldn’t is to
identify under what conditions it will allow watering. The BaseStation 3200 controller will start a
program when all of the following conditions have been met: