Basic programming, Time based watering, Zones – timed, primary and linked – Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 User Manual

Page 37: 2basic programming

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C h a p t e r 2 – B a s i c P r o g r a m m i n g

Page 35

Baseline 3200


Basic Programming

Section Contents

Time Based Watering ..........................................................................................................35

Historical ET Based Watering ..............................................................................................38

Moisture Based Watering ...................................................................................................38

Complying with Water Restrictions ....................................................................................41

Time Based Watering

The BaseStation 3200 has two different methods for controlling the amount of water that is
applied to a zone: application based on time and schedule and application based on soil
moisture. The use of soil moisture to control how much water to apply is an additional
programming step after the basic time based watering schedule is determined and programmed.

Zones – Timed, Primary and Linked

When a biCoder is assigned to a zone number,
the zone is given a consistent set of default
programming values. These values can be seen
and modified by turning the dial to the “Zone
Run Times” position. You can observe the
default values in the sample screen to the right.

After all the biCoders have been assigned to zone
numbers, each zone will have this default

Each of the zone values
can be highlighted by
pressing the NEXT or PREV key and moving the highlight to the field that
needs to be changed. Once a field is highlighted, its value can be modified
by pressing the + or – key. This same navigation model is used on all
programming screens.

There are three different types of zones: Timed, Primary, and Linked. A timed zone operates
independently from other zones, except zones in the same program will have the same start time
and daily schedule as others in the same program.

To ease the programming and to provide some structure to the programming job, the
BaseStation 3200 provides a way to group zones that have simular watering requirements. This
is done by designating the first zone number of the group as a primary zone and then setting
each of the following group zones as linked. This allows programming to be changed on the
primary zone, and then each of the linked zones will follow the changes made to the primary
zone. If your group is ten zones, you need only make changes to the primary zone and then all
these changes flow down to the other nine zones.