General monitor problems – ADS Environmental Services Model 4000 530017 A0 User Manual

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ADS Model 4000 Manual

Some problems that occur will not require a site visit, such as
incorrect equipment identification numbers or other system
parameters the user can re-enter on the local PC. However, many
problems will require a site visit. When this is necessary, inform
the data analyst any time a field crew is en route to a monitor site to
troubleshoot problems so that the analyst can attempt to collect the
monitor data before they arrive. If the problem is a faulty monitor
and the analyst cannot collect the data remotely, replace the
monitor and deliver the faulty monitor to the office so the analyst
can attempt to collect the data directly. Then, send the monitor to

for repair.

This chapter provides general guidelines for troubleshooting and
correcting problems with the 4000 monitor and sensor subsystem.

General Monitor Problems

The following tables contain general troubleshooting techniques for
the ADS Model 4000 flow monitor.