ADS Environmental Services Model 4000 530017 A0 User Manual
Page 30

Monitor and Sensor Installation
5. Slide the ultrasonic sensor mount onto the open end of the ring
with the back of the ultrasonic mount (side with the slots)
facing the outside of the ring. The side with the backstop
should face the inside of the ring.
Sliding the ultrasonic sensor mount onto the ring
6. Move the ultrasonic sensor mount around the ring.
Note: Steps 7 and 8 apply only to overlapping rings.
Proceed directly to step 9 for non-overlapping rings.
7. Slide the open end of the ring through the slot in the welded
band of the ring until it overlaps about 4 inches (10 cm).
8. Spread the ring sections apart so that you can slide the ring
stabilizer with the spreader mechanism screw into the gap.