Great Plains YP825AR Material Rate User Manual

Page 4

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Great Plains Mfg., Inc.

Table of Contents

Metric Charts



Table of Contents

Metric Charts


Dry Fertilizer Rate Charts: U.S. Customary Units ........54

22 inch Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive.........................54
22 inch Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive, .......................55
30 inch Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive.........................56
30 inch Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive ........................57
70 cm Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive...........................58
70 cm Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive..........................59
75 cm Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive...........................60
75 cm Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive..........................61
Twin Row 30 inch, Ground (Seed) Drive ..................62
Twin Row 30 inch, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive .................63
Twin Row 75 cm, Ground (Seed) Drive....................64
Twin Row 75 cm, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive ...................65

Liquid Fertilizer Rate..................................................66
Liquid Rate Setting Steps.............................................66

Set Rate Range ........................................................66
Set Pump Adjuster ...................................................67
Determine Orifice Size..............................................67
Install Orifice Plates..................................................68
Row Shutoff ..............................................................68
Strainer .....................................................................69
Setting Relief Valve ..................................................69
Web - Liquid Fertilizer Rate ......................................70
Liquid Fertilizer Rate Charts .....................................71
22 inch Rows ............................................................71
30 inch Rows ............................................................72
70 cm Rows..............................................................73
75 cm Rows..............................................................74
Twin Row 30 inch .....................................................75
Twin Row 75 cm .......................................................76
Slide Chart - Liquid Fertilizer Rate............................77

Appendix A .................................................................78
Seed Lubricants ...........................................................78

Appendix B - Metric Charts .......................................79


Meter Disk Selection - Metric .........................79

Seed Spacing Chart - Metric (1 of 2)............................82
Meter Pressurization - Metric .......................................84

Initial Meter Pressurization: Cotton...........................84
Initial Meter Pressurization: Milo...............................84

Initial Meter Pressurization: Soybeans..................... 84
Initial Meter Pressurization: Sunflower..................... 84
Initial Meter Pressurization: Round Corn ................. 85
Initial Meter Pressurization: Flat Corn ...................... 86

Sprocket Indexing Charts - Metric................................ 87
Furrow Check - Metric.................................................. 90
Seed Rate Charts Metric.............................................. 91
Corn (Metric) ................................................................ 91

56 cm Rows, 24 Cell, Low Range ............................ 91
56 cm Rows, 24 Cell, High Range ........................... 92
56 cm Rows, 40 Cell, High Range ........................... 93
75 cm Twin Row, 24 Cell, Low Range ..................... 94
75 cm Twin Row, 24 Cell, High Range .................... 95
70 cm Rows, 24 Cell ................................................ 96
70 cm Rows, 40 Cell, Low Range ............................ 97
70 cm Rows, 40 Cell, High Range ........................... 98

Cotton (Metric) ............................................................. 99

60 Cell, Low Range.................................................. 99
60 Cell, High Range ............................................... 100

Milo (Metric) ............................................................... 101

65 Cell, Low Range................................................ 101
65 Cell, High Range ............................................... 102
130 Cell, Low Range.............................................. 103

Soybean (Metric)........................................................ 104

84 Cell .................................................................... 104
168 Cell .................................................................. 105

Sunflower, 24 Cell (Metric)......................................... 106
Dry Fertilizer Rate Charts: Metric Units ..................... 108

70 cm Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive ........................ 108
70 cm Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive ....................... 109
75 cm Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive ........................ 110
75 cm Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive ....................... 111
30 inch (76.2 cm) Rows, Ground (Seed) Drive ...... 112
30 inch (76.2) cm Rows, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive ..... 113
Twin Row 75 cm, Ground (Seed) Drive ................. 114
Twin Row 75 cm, Hydraulic (Tire) Drive................. 115
Twin Row 30 inch (76.2 cm), Ground (Seed) Drive 116
Twin Row 30 inch (76.2), Hydraulic (Tire) Drive .... 117

Liquid Fertilizer Orifice Plate Selection, Metric .......... 118