Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual
Page 5

This can occur even with the “safety” in the on safe
position. Be extremely careful while hunting or during
any shooting activity to avoid dropping any firearm.
7 hunting FroM elevated surFaces such as
treestands is dangerous.
Doing so may increase the risk of mishandling a
firearm. The following rules should always be observed
by you and those you hunt with. Always make certain
that the stand being used is safe and stable. Always
make certain that your firearm is unloaded when it is
being taken up and down from the stand. Always
make certain that your firearm is not dropped from the
stand, or dropped while it is being taken up or down
from the stand. Remember, a loaded firearm may
discharge when dropped, even with the “safety” in the
on safe position.
8 store your FirearM and aMMunition
seParately, well beyond the reach
oF children.
Take prudent safeguards to ensure your firearm does
not become available to untrained, inexperienced or
unwelcome hands. Store all firearms in secure, locked
cases or a gun safe. Keep your firearm unloaded when
not in use.
9 beware oF barrel obstructions.
Mud, snow and an infinite variety of other objects may
inadvertently lodge in a barrel bore. It only takes a
small obstruction to cause dangerously increased
pressures that can damage your firearm and cause
serious injury to yourself and others.
beFore checKing For a barrel obstruction,
be certain your FirearM is coMPletely
unloaded, there is not a live shell in
the chaMber and the “saFety” is in the
on saFe Position.
After assuring yourself that the firearm is completely
unloaded, open the breech or action and look through
the barrel to be sure it is clear of obstructions. If an
obstruction is seen, no matter how small it may be,
clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch as
described on pages 28-31 of this owner’s manual.
be alert to the signs oF aMMunition
MalFunction. iF you detect an oFF sound or
light recoil when a cartridge or shell is
Fired, do not load another cartridge or
shell into the chaMber.
If your firearm fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in
a safe direction for a minimum of 30 seconds. Rotate
the ejection area of the firearm away from you,
carefully open the action and remove the cartridge or
shell from the chamber. If the primer is indented, the
defective cartridge should be disposed of in a way that
cannot cause harm. If the primer is not indented, your
firearm should be examined by a qualified gunsmith
and the cause of the malfunction corrected before
further use. Glance down the barrel to make sure that
will not fire even if the “safety” is in the on safe
position. Mechanical “safeties” merely aid safe gun
handling and are no excuse for pointing your firearm’s
muzzle in an unsafe direction. See “Operation of the
‘Safety’” on pages 11-12 for instructions on the
operation of this firearm’s “safety.”
Remember, safe gun handling does not stop with your
firearm’s mechanical “safety” devices, it starts there.
Always treat this firearm with the respect due a
loaded, ready-to-fire firearm.
Some firearms do not have a mechanical “safety.”
Many target firearms, lever-action firearms and pistols
do not have manual “safety” mechanisms. Therefore it
is critical to read and understand the owner’s manual
for every firearm which explains the safe operation of
the firearm.
While it is a good idea to test your firearm’s
mechanical “safety” periodically for proper function,
never test the “safety” while your firearm is loaded or
pointed in an unsafe direction.
3 whenever you handle any FirearM, or hand it
to soMeone, always oPen the action
iMMediately and visually checK the FirearM’s
chaMber to MaKe certain that the FirearM is
coMPletely unloaded.
Make certain the firearm does not inadvertently
contain any ammunition. Remember, merely
removing the magazine does not mean the chamber
is unloaded. Always keep the chamber empty and
the “safety” in the on safe position unless shooting
is imminent.
4 always wear ear and eye Protection
when shooting.
Unprotected, repeated exposure to gunfire can cause
hearing damage. Wear hearing protection (shooting
ear plugs or muffs) to guard against such damage.
Wear shooting glasses to protect your eyes from flying
particles. Allow proper distance (eye relief) between a
scope and your eye when firing a scoped pistol, rifle or
shotgun. Do not use unorthodox shooting methods
that could cause the rearward travel of the slide or bolt
of a firearm to contact your eyes, face or hands.
Always keep a safe distance between the muzzle of
your firearm and any persons nearby, as muzzle blast,
debris and ejecting shells could inflict serious injury.
Always wear eye protection when disassembling and
cleaning any firearm to prevent the possibility of
springs, spring-tensioned parts, solvents or other
agents from contacting your eyes.
5 KeeP all FirearMs unloaded during
transPort, even when stored in a holster,
gun case, scabbard or other container.
6 droPPing or jarring a loaded FirearM can
cause accidental discharge.