Winchester Repeating Arms 101 User Manual
Page 23

downward slightly on the forearm to completely open
the breech. For proper ejection, keep the receiver
level and allow the barrels to completely drop. This
keeps empty hulls in full contact with the ejectors.
2. It is important to point the breech, by canting the
shotgun to the right (or to the left for left-handed
shooters), so empty hulls eject clear of your body and
face. Fired shells will be thrown completely out of the
shotgun upon opening the action. Remember to pick
up all of your empties after you have finished shooting
so as to not to cause litter.
Unfired shells will be elevated in the chambers by the
extractors. They can be unloaded from your shotgun
by pulling the unfired shell(s) out of the chambers
with your fingers.
If only one barrel has been fired, only the fired
hull will be ejected upon opening of the action.
If shooting is imminent, a loaded shell can be
inserted in its place.
never atteMPt to reMove or install a choKe
tube in a loaded FirearM. whenever reMoving
or installing a choKe tube in a shotgun, always
KeeP the MuZZles Pointed in a saFe direction.
oPen the action and visually insPect the
chaMbers to be absolutely certain the FirearM
is coMPletely unloaded. always Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position and KeeP your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
invector-Plus, standard invector and winchoKe
choKe tubes are not interchangeable. do not
use invector-Plus, standard invector or
winchoKe choKe tubes in any shotgun barrel
not suPPlied by winchester rePeating arMs. do
not use any other choKing device in any shotgun
barrel suPPlied by winchester rePeating arMs.
use only the aPProPriate gauge and tyPe oF
choKe tube, MarKed invector-Plus, standard
invector or winchoKe, in this shotgun. do not
Fire this shotgun without the correct choKe
tube installed. daMage May result to the
threads inside the barrel.
Failure to Follow this inForMation could result
in daMage to your shotgun or Possible injury.
NOTICE! use only the choKe tube wrench suPPlied
with your shotgun to install and reMove choKe
tubes. using any other wrench May daMage the
threads in the barrel.
the shotgun is now ready to Fire by siMPly
Moving the “saFety” to the oFF saFe Position
and Pulling the trigger.
3. When shooting is imminent, move the “safety”/
selector to the off safe position. Take aim and, when
ready, squeeze the trigger to fire. After firing one
barrel, it is not necessary to move the “safety”/selector
to fire the second barrel. Simply release the trigger to
its original forward position and pull it a second time.
Be certain you fully release the trigger between shots.
If the trigger is not permitted to return to its fully
forward position, the firing mechanism will not
reengage and the subsequent trigger pull will fail to
fire the remaining shell. Failure to release the trigger
ordinarily occurs with overly rapid firing or heavily
gloved fingers.
4. After you have completed firing you should either
reload the chamber(s) with unfired shells (if hunting/
shooting is going to continue) or fully unload your
shotgun (if shooting is completed). Regardless, always
first place the “safety”/selector in the on safe position.
Be sure to open the action completely between shots
to reset the firing mechanism.
aFter Firing, or when shooting is no longer
iMMinent, iMMediately Place the “saFety” in the
on saFe Position. Failure to Follow this warning
could result in serious injury or death.
For training purposes or in some target situations your
firearm can be fired “single shot” by loading one shell
at a time in only one of the chambers. For training new
shooters, the bottom barrel is often used because of its
slightly lower perceived recoil. Make sure the “safety”/
selector is set for the barrel you wish to fire.
while unloading your shotgun always Place the
“saFety” in the on saFe Position. KeeP the
MuZZles Pointed in a saFe direction, and your
Fingers away FroM the trigger. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
The ejector/extractor mechanism mechanically adapts to
whether there is a fired shell or a loaded shell in a
chamber. With a loaded shell the mechanism acts as an
extractor, elevating the shells in the chamber. With a
fired shell it acts as an ejector, forcefully ejecting the
empty shell clear of the chamber and onto the ground.
1. Using your thumb, move the top lever fully to the
right to open the action. The action must be opened
completely to reset the firing mechanism. Due to tight
manufacturing tolerances, it may be necessary to pull